protein protocol2.0

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  • #120433

    really? man beef seems to put me in this energetic anabolic state so i dont like to have a ton befoer bed. High fats before bed for me in general can make me not sleep well. For sure animal fats. Not a good way around it though if you cant have much plant based fats.

    Then have some cottage cheese or something before bed.Or fast if you want and can eat (Or atleast get something in) by 12 hours.



    out of curiosity why isnt protein 2.0 protocol still used? Its not like the science changed from what he was saying.


    out of curiosity why isnt protein 2.0 protocol still used? Its not like the science changed from what he was saying.

    I'll go read it again later and get back to you, it's been a while since I read it all.I will say Keifer just prefers real food and using protein powders as a supplement when appropriate.


    Richard Schmitt

    out of curiosity why isnt protein 2.0 protocol still used? Its not like the science changed from what he was saying.

    I'll go read it again later and get back to you, it's been a while since I read it all.I will say Keifer just prefers real food and using protein powders as a supplement when appropriate.


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protein protocol2.0

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