Hi all,Its a stupid question but those have to be anwsered for the sake of mental health lol :On a WO day i consume 40g protein on the PWO Shake and 20 on the pre-WO,these 60g of protein can be put on the total protein macro for the day?i.e if i have to eat 130g protein daily, and 60g of it are on a pre and pos-WO shake, should i only eat 70g on whole foods like eggs, beef, cheese, etc?
Thank you 🙂What about eating a ULC meal after the 4 hour mark of PWO when backloading?That rarely happens but today i didnt have all my protein of the day after my backload and i didint know if i could eat a ulc meal before bedA meal with carbs would be off since i already got them so a last meal 1 hour before bed consisting on fat and protein could work? Would it mess with the backload efffect?