I searched and couldn't find anyone talking specifically about this.I lift heavy four days a week. I've integrated shockwave into my high intensity lifting split and I am seeing great gains over the last month, so no complaints here.My question is, how much fat are you guys eating? I'm 205, around 8% body fat, and eat 190-210g of protein daily. I am eating about 2 tbsp of coconut oil before about 2pm. I eat my last pre-workout meal at 2pm, hit the gym at 4pm, then for PWO shake up to 100g of maltodextrin/glucose with 50g of whey blend, 5g leucine, 5g creatine. 3-5g of fish oil throughout the day. And 30 mins after my PWO shake is when I eat my first high carb meal, but I also eat a lot of fat. I often sautee my food, love egg yolks, stir fry, brownies, cheese, sour cream, french fries. etc. What kind of hindrances should I anticipate with such high fat intake? Will I see better results if I keep it low? Should I focus on cleaner fats?