Up until now I have just made protein and fat meals and not really worried about my grams of each. I've just eaten about 4-5 meals this way all day. ie.burger w/cheddar cheese for lunchThis morning just for the heck of it i started to list what I was eating and I think I'm falling short of some protein grams but I'm really not interested in weighing or measuring my food. Is that being stupid of me? Am I selling myself and this program short if I don't really sit and figure this all out? Will it still work for me if I just keep to the idea of eating protein and animal fats all day and having a CN once a week?Thanks for the feedback in advance.
Ive been on CN for over 4 months now and I rarely every try to figure out exact macros, I just eat 2 or 3 protein and fat rich meals every day and it has worked great for me so far
No, sometimes most people make great progress by NOT stressing over what foods they eat, let alone the amount. Some of us keep track for…sanity reasons. If you're making progress by doing that, then keep at it.
I just eat. Granted I eat the same thing every day so I could figure out macros pretty easy, but I just don't care.If I end up being less hungry on a day I will eat less, I've I'm hungrier then normal I will eat a little more.