Putting my program together

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    Part 1 diet: I wake at about 4:45 am for work and always drink several cups of coffee with cream(habit for 20 plus yrs). I will and Im sure will have to eat by 10 am. I will have some whey isolate(50 gm worth that I have been ordering from true nutrition http://truenutrition.com/ they have everything as far as paleo protien to making your own blend,flavors additives(fats,carbs emyzmes etc). I will have a serving of peanuts or almonds with this. I would have egg beaters with cheese and sausage but I will be at work. 3 hrs later at about 1 pm I will have a lean meat source green veg and more nuts if I dont simmer the veg in olive oil. I am a little bit more careful with my fat sources as Im 41 yrs old and have had high cholesterol in the past. If I were going full keto I wouldnt worry as much. At 4-5 pm I will eat pretty much the same as what I had in one of the previous meals depending on what I pack up with me. I train at 6:45 depending on traffic. POW will contain 75 gm of waxy maize and 50 of whey(from the co I mentioned I order fruit punch for both). Then 1 hr or so later I will have fruity pebbles 2 servings with 50 of whey. If Im up I will have a novelty cake and more whey. Stats 5 10 235 not sure on BF% I go by my mirror. I was 190 on stage in 08 with a 29 waist and I aint that lolol.



    I know you're nervous about fat sources, you are much better off using fatty meats than nuts. The carb count can creepy up on you with them. Also, there is absolutely no reason to be using egg beaters, use whole eggs and some bacon.



    My LDL was 269 once with a over all of 317..I worry lol. Ive dieted down into the single digits eating bacon eggs, prime rib and pork rinds but I went 5 days straight without a carb so I was keto and in most people you wont accumalate bad cholesterol in that state. This diet calls for eating high carb post work out which is 3-4 days a wk for me,no keto to speak of because it takes 2 days to get there. I get the high GI carbs thing…I ate fruity pebbles with whey poured on top for yrs post workout but the unhealthy fat doesnt makes sense here for a guy like me. Healthy fats are used as energy more easily and junk fats from meats may support testosterone production but not much else benefit. Please explain.



    'junk fats from meat'Eh?Get out of here!!Fat from high quality grass fed meat is THE BEST fat you can eat!! It's very similar in composition to what your own body fat would ideally be. I think you need to reeducate yourself on what a healthy fat is. Here's where to start:Margarine BAD, Butter GOODCheckout BulletproofExec.com for more info.



    Not being rude at all but I dont need a re-education on unhealthy fats…grass fed was never in the equation bacon and eggs were.I was stating junk meats meaning bacon or say for ex chuck ,I wont eat 90% lean beef or less if Im dieting.I just think yolks and fat from poor cuts like bacon arent good for a person like myself and should be recomended to everyone like one size fits all ..that my whole point here nothing more. At one point my triglycerides were 600 I cant eat several whole eggs again everyday. one egg 210 cholesterol one 8 oz peice of chicken breast 70. If there is a new thing Keifer wrote regarding fats and how this diet works that would be different and if there is something I can learn from that Im all ears. I know the difference between margerine and butter. Im a professional nurse who sleeps drinks and drinks bodybuilding and nutrition for 27 yrs. Grass fed beef fat the best you can eat…better than jack mackeral? Re-educate me. 🙂



    Grass fed beef and grass fed lamb provide the best fats available for your body and there is no need to use lean cuts.Egg yolks from chickens that have lived outdoors and have not been fed grains are an extremely healthy source of fats and nutrients.Like I said, if you want to learn more go to BulletproofExec.com he explains everything in detail.



    Not disagreeing on the grass fed…but I had a issue in the past. Eggs do have a lot of nutrients but 210 cholesterol for one yolk and then 80 mg for a 4-6 oz serving of meat add it all up 4 eggs 16 oz of lean meat to much for me. I got my LDL down to 90 and my HDL up to 40 from 24.Trigyclerides still can accumilate in vessals over the years and form arteriolosclerosis if your pre-disposed. I maybe I had those numbers at age 34? I love me a maverick free range NY strip…grass fed! If I am convinced that I can eat yolks bacon and beef (grass fed) I will wear a lady gaga meat skirt and post it with a smile.  😀



    Eating dietary cholesterol does not negatively influence blood cholesterol levels. That is a myth.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7882850.stm"A Michigan State University analysis, reported a year later, analyzed the diets and blood-cholesterol data for more than 27,000 people—a representative cross-section of the U.S. population. It found that cholesterol was lower in people who ate more than four eggs per week than among people who eschewed eggs. "http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/7301/description/Reevaluating_Eggs_Cholesterol_RisksThat's all I'm saying. Look at the Bulletproof Exec site and do your own research.



    dietary cholesterol is nothing to worry about.



    Ok I will look it up…make my own choice. How did I lower my cholesterol without meds…my workout program was the same did I was it magic? I said I wasnt eating breakfast cause I cant eat eggs at work anyhow so lay off the eggs. Now can someone give me adivce on my thread topic?



    Good info I read it and believe it. But all the studies say most people being that I had lipid panel at such a poor level and I lowered it through not eating fatty meats and cholesterol so maybe its genetic for me?I wont change that without further reading…its my health personal and mine. Thanks




    http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1388198100001566This says the opposite.Point is we can find 20 studies proving it goes either way.



    http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1388198100001566This says the opposite.Point is we can find 20 studies proving it goes either way.

    That review actually concludes that there is little evidence that dietary cholesterol causes arterial plaque build up in humans.



    http://www.livestrong.com/article/406941-recommended-fat-intake-by-the-american-heart-association/http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/fat/NU00262/NSECTIONGROUP=2  what to believe these days I know what works for me.

    LiveStrong.com does not have a clue, half of their articles are absolute BS I'm afraid. They're putting out a lot of poor info.

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