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    How many hours after training should we consume carbs?  I usually get up around 8 and train from 5- 6:30…  Ive heard everything from 2- 6 hours


    Naomi Most

    Training in the early morning requires a carb back-load the night before. This is covered in detail in the book!



    How long should we consume them if we are training around 4-430 to about 6-630?  I never found that in the book unless i missed it



    Are you talking about AM or PM?


    Naomi Most

    How long should we consume them if we are training around 4-430 to about 6-630?  I never found that in the book unless i missed it

    Ooh! I totally misinterpreted, didn't I.  You're training in the afternoon, not the AM. Sorry!Your carb back-load window is something like 2-4 hours after your workout.  You can keep consuming carbs later than that, but you need to make sure they are really fast-digesting, low-fiber carbs that won't keep your insulin levels elevated for too long.This is one of those things you need to play with a little bit.  Try going "overboard" first, then dial it back in volume and timing if you need to, according to the way your body feels in the morning.



    I figured the later carbs are consumed the more easily digestible they had to be. I am an oat fanatic so i eat them as my second main meal (dinner 2) around 730 anythign carb wise after that is much faster digesting.  Dont go to bend until 10 or 1030



    I always save a nice treat – sugary cereal, ice cream, pb and fluff – for my last meal before bed. My backload usually goes from ~6-10-10:30.


    Tiago Nicolau

    Thank you Search for this one, i would look like dum by asking a question that was already made 😛Tonight i workouted out from 5-5:50pm, and i had my last meal at 9:40pm, so i guess im still at a good Tglut window am i not?My last meal was chocolate rice cereal with dextrose (40g carbs cereal plus 20g dextrose) and then casein miscelar 20g and 30g nutella lolIm gonna sleep 1 hour after this one, so i guess im ok, oi hope at least )

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