Question about CBL fat-loss

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    At 6'1″ ….I was up in the 220's but fat, got down to 142.  Ended up 3 years later at 200, thinking I had 'bulked up', realized was fat.  Cut down to 182, and then fluctuated between 177-191 due to various bulk fails and cuts, and am sitting around 168 pretty lean right now myself.


    Damon Amato

    jebus that's quite a bit of yoyo-ing.  I think I've been between 195-214lb since I graduated college 8 years ago.



    jebus that's quite a bit of yoyo-ing.  I think I've been between 195-214lb since I graduated college 8 years ago.

    There were also a few different injuries in there, too.  But I agree.  That's why I decided to maintain 168 for awhile to have a 'set-point' for leanness.  I basically went from 191 in Dec 10 to 168 in June 11.  It's always been steady fat loss.  Never crash diets.



    jebus that's quite a bit of yoyo-ing.  I think I've been between 195-214lb since I graduated college 8 years ago.

    There were also a few different injuries in there, too.  But I agree.  That's why I decided to maintain 168 for awhile to have a 'set-point' for leanness.  I basically went from 191 in Dec 10 to 168 in June 11.  It's always been steady fat loss.  Never crash diets.  But I'm ready to gain without needing to cut 6 months later!

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Question about CBL fat-loss

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