Hey All-Ive been running CBL for the past few months in an effort to build some muscle. I never did the prep phase because I was afraid of losing more weight in the process (I was only 5'2, 102 lbs). Although I havent gained any weight since starting, it does look like I recomped a little bit, so Im happy with the program thus far. I finally decided to complete the prep phase, just so I had peace of mind that Im following the plan as outlined. Also, I really have not had a clue as to how many carbs I should consume during my backloads, so I wanted to complete the prep to compare with the numbers in the book. Today is day 10 and Ive lost about 1-1.5 lbs, meaning I know weigh less than 100 (not good, IMO). Im training today and tomorrow. This being day 10, should I backload tonight, or wait until tomorrow? Obviously, my ultimate goal is to gain some muscle and get my weight back up. Perhaps Im being anal, but had to ask nonetheless. Thanks!