Questions about caffeine dosage, hiit and meal planning

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    Jiaxing Pi

    I just bought the book this week and I have read it almost twice during the past three days and I have lots of questions.

    I noticed that Kiefer uses a lot of caffeine to the shake drink. If I am going to do density bulking, I might need to consume more at least 600mg caffeine. I was wondering whether this dosage is safe. Moreover, even for the late night session, he recommends to take the caffeine in the PWO shake, I guess this makes me difficult to fall asleep. Also I heard that consume a large amount of caffeine might lead to caffeine tolerance, so should I do 2 or 3 low caffeine days?

    I am currently doing cycling for hiit (45s intensive and 45s-1min moderate for 20 minutes). I found that, in the book, Kiefer recommended to do HIIT each day, so should I do that after my weightlifting? I was planning to do it during my rest days (twice a week), if so, should I eat carbs when I only do HIIT?

    I am around 164 lbs at around 13% bodyfat, according to the BW to Carbs Calculator (I have been doing keto for a while so I cannot tell how much weight I lost during the preparation phase), I should eat 574 grams of carbs (around 11 cups of white rice plus a hypertrophic potentiator), this won’t be an easy task to eat them all, so I guess I will need to divide it into several meals, but how many would be a appropriate number? According to the pre carb-mealtimes macro calculator, I will need to take in 129.6 grams of protein before dinner (almost one pound of lean meat) and for the protein consumed with carbs, should I follow Prot Deficit Lo or Prot Deficit Hi?

    I made up my own meal plan, which would look like 1 AM formula in the morning (10 g protein 14g fat), 14 oz lean meat for lunch (104g protein and almost mission impossible for me), 1 ignition formula (20g protein 28g fat), 1 hypertrophic formula, (70g protein 50g carb), around 10 cups of white rice (also mission impossible). I found it might be difficult for me so I checked sample meal plan for 4pm and 6pm. Kiefer mentioned this meal plan is for 160-175 lbs individual in the book. For the 6pm one, the protein for pre-carb meals (including AM formula and ignition formula, snacks and lunch) is around only 87 grams of protein. For the 6pm one, there are breakfast meat and tomatoes in the morning and chicken breast for lunch, although there are sufficient protein, I guess it is contradicted to the no breakfast protocol.

    I am so confused right now, so any help would be really appreciated!


    Brandon D Christ

    – 600 mg is fine. However do not consume more than what you can currently.
    – I wouldn’t have any caffeine in the PWO shake if it causes trouble sleeping. The caffeine in the PWO shake is more for if you train in the morning
    – Most of caffeine’s benefits do not go away as you develop a tolerance so low caffeine days are not required. The only reason you may want to do this is if you are using caffeine as a performance enhancer before a sporting event.

    – Kiefer does not recommend HIIT every day. Where did you see this? I would do HIIT one to three times per week if you do it at all. Most people who do CBL do not do HIIT. Also I would increase your low intensity periods to 2 minutes.

    – That chart shows your max glycogen storage. Except for the first backload, I wouldn’t consume 574 g of carbs, I would start at 1 g per pound (164 g for you) for your backloads and adjust from there.
    – The pre-workout charts are confusing. I would consume the low end of the protein range and an equal amount of fat. Also, you want to base it on your goal weight, not your actual weight.
    – In the backload you just want to make up the difference in protein so you get 1 g/lb for the whole day


    Jiaxing Pi

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    For the HIIT, I might misunderstood what he said. He mentioned no more than 30 minutes per day, so it should not be doing it everyday, but if I do it, I should limit it within 30 mins. I know people who do CBL don’t normally do cardio, but I just think doing cardio might be good for health. So do you eat carb when you only do cardio? I think HIIT could be pretty intensive to deplete glycogen.

    Another question, do you control fat intake during the night meals? I think Kiefer mentioned not to worry about that, but I think eating clean would have better results, or at least like Carb Nite, clean for the first meal after workout. Also, should I eat vegetable during carb loading meals? He mentioned not to take low gi or fibrous food items, I guess vegetable is included.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Jiaxing Pi.
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Questions about caffeine dosage, hiit and meal planning

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