questions about pre and post nutrition

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    I'm new to this game. I'm 198lbs looking to get down to 190 and get leaner and tighter but I'm confused about a few things. 1. suggested to do high end of scale for protein and with that said pre-workout would be 144.9g of protein/35.2g 2.Post workout would be 92.6g of protein and said 770 carb calories which equates to 195g of carbs. So the questions i have are how many pre-workout carbs do I take and how much post workout fats do I take in????Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



    Pre workout carbs are kept to an absolute minimum. As far as post workout fats, that's something you have to play around with, I'd start low and increase if you need more satiety.


    Brandon D Christ

    1.  144.9 is the max protein value and 35.2 is the minimum fat value.  I probably consume around 120 g of protein and 40-60 g of fat.2.  The 770 is low carb calories, which would apply to the first question you asked.  It has nothing to do with the backload.  You'll probably want to consume around 300-400 g of carbs in your backload.  Maybe more maybe less.  Start out high (like 600 g) and taper it off from there.  The fat really doesn't matter in the backload, just don't do anything ridiculous. 

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questions about pre and post nutrition

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