Questions regarding Shockwave Protocol GAINfitness-app

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    Is there a set methodology to determine which exercises fall into the various levels from 1.4?  The .pdf made it easy with the Warmup/1/2/X/U levels marked and color-coded, but in using the App I haven't found a clear way to determine which are which.

    Usually the first exercise is the warmup "sets" but you should still do a light warmup before starting.  I like to walk the treadmill for five minutes and do some ballistic stretching afterwards.  The x levels are the two rep exercises (use heavier weight).  If you're energy is low hit the button that looks like a life jacket before beginning the routine to get a smaller workload.


    Marty P Koch

    Is there a set methodology to determine which exercises fall into the various levels from 1.4?  The .pdf made it easy with the Warmup/1/2/X/U levels marked and color-coded, but in using the App I haven't found a clear way to determine which are which.

    Usually the first exercise is the warmup "sets" but you should still do a light warmup before starting.  I like to walk the treadmill for five minutes and do some ballistic stretching afterwards.  The x levels are the two rep exercises (use heavier weight).  If you're energy is low hit the button that looks like a life jacket before beginning the routine to get a smaller workload.

    Thanks for the reply, SoulMind.  This is helpful.  However, I can't find the lifejacket button... Maybe because I'm using an iPod? I am on the most updated version of iOS, 6.something...



    When you go into plan right next to the “do it” button should be a small icon that should looks like a life jacket.  It will then prompt you with an alternative workout that is smaller volume and about half the time of the regular workout.



    So I just want to clarify the process by which one purchases the Shockwave Protocol for the app.1) Download the FREE Shockwave Protocol/Gain Fitness app.2) Go into Packs and click on $9.99.This should buy/install the Shockwave Protocol as a workout, correct? When I do this all that happens is a loading screen quickly flashes saying "Purchasing..."Hopefully I don't have 30 purchases for the Shockwave Protocol on my card  ;D



    Alright, so I was finally able to purchase the app. Not sure what was going on  ???After doing the rounds in the app everything seems pretty straight forward. I have some questions(which only Kiefer/the developers would be able to answer, but I will ask anyway  ::)):- Why is the BB Shrug not a replacement for the DB Shrug(doing any sort of PSR set with DBs is just not easy to do in a big box gym)- Why do I get DB exercises in my workouts even though I have specified that they are not part of my "Gym" equipment?- It would be nice to be able to substitute my own exercise for a suggested exercise(ie. Floor Press, Iso Hammer Press, Iso Hammer Row, etc). I know we can just enter the weight's we use for the exercise we are actually using into the suggested one, but it is a pain to remember what the actual exercise is. Not to mention the possibility of having to change exercises from one week to the next because the machine needed is in use and waiting for it is out of the question.Anyway, enough of the mild rant. Looking forward to starting Shockwave, and the upcoming version. As well as looking forward to the Bench Challenge pack.


    Richard Schmitt

    You can download the PDF file and shows replacements



    You can download the PDF file and shows replacements

    I know. I meant in the actual app. Which they do give options for, but you can ONLY use those options. That, in itself, I think is an issue. But on top of that, certain alternate exercises in the PDF are not even in the app. The Floor Press and BB Shrug come to mind first.Now, could that be because Kiefer has updated the protocol and those exercises are no longer considered "effective" substitutes? Maybe. It would explain their absence. But who knows.It's really that fact, that I can't substitute my own exercises, that's stopping me from using it instead of ye olde pen and paper. Other than that the app is pretty good.


    Marty P Koch

    I hear you, Chet.I'm still using my Excel Spreadsheets that I fashioned as 'clones' of the pdf example and plug my exercises, etc. into that even after purchasing the app + add-ons.  Part of it is the inflexibilty of the app but the other part is I am old and don't feel that comfortable entering things into the app and following along that way.  Additionally, I've already cracked the glass on m iPod touch by dropping it - my gym has a cement floor - and don't think it could take too much more punishment.Maybe when it is expanded for all the myriad new protocols it will be a more viable option.

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Questions regarding Shockwave Protocol GAINfitness-app

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