Questions regarding Shockwave Protocol GAINfitness-app

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    I just purchased the Shockwave Protocol for GAIN-fitness app. I set it up for a 4-day split. Some questions: - How is every set entered. Go to faillure each set? Keep the weight the same every set? How to progress?- the PSR, should the last set be to faillure? If not up your 1RM?- On leg day (for example) there is a set of Squats PSR, then later in the program is SQUATS 1x2, should this be total faillure?My main overal questions is: how to enter every set? Thanks!


    Richard Schmitt

    Go listen to the podcast and the app is STUPID SIMPLE to follow



    I'm with Tex–I'm an idiot in the gym, but I don't have any issues following this thing. I haven't listened to the podcast yet, but I just load up a weight that I can complete the sets with (if it's not PSR), it's been working for me.



    Is the ShockWave App different than the ShockWave 1.4 PDF?Reason I ask is that it was assumed that ShockWave 1.4 was not ideal for CBL.  Hence, Heavy Duty came out which was better suited for CBL (DB and SA).Is this ShockWave app better suited for CBL?


    Richard Schmitt

    No and no



    Is the ShockWave App different than the ShockWave 1.4 PDF?Reason I ask is that it was assumed that ShockWave 1.4 was not ideal for CBL.  Hence, Heavy Duty came out which was better suited for CBL (DB and SA).Is this ShockWave app better suited for CBL?

    So is there still no way to get the PDF version of SW1.4? If not is there an android app coming soon?


    Is the ShockWave App different than the ShockWave 1.4 PDF?Reason I ask is that it was assumed that ShockWave 1.4 was not ideal for CBL.  Hence, Heavy Duty came out which was better suited for CBL (DB and SA).Is this ShockWave app better suited for CBL?

    So is there still no way to get the PDF version of SW1.4? If not is there an android app coming soon?

    Android app should be out this summer.



    Heavy Duty would be awesome since it is Shockwave but for CBL. No?


    joe boulware

    I assume Shockwave E – book went away forever ?



    Need some help, I currently run SWHD and love it but an interested in getting the wife over to standard SW.  That is where the problem is………no iphone or ipad.  Any way to get a copy of the pdf? 


    Richard Schmitt

    Not yet



    I too have bought the GAINfitness app. I am new to shockwave protocols and am confused on so much of the terminology. I have been wanting to do it for a very long time, but as all have aforementioned, the PDF disappeared. When I saw the release of the app I was so excited, but I am still confused on what a lot of it means and the basic understanding of the protocol. I do a lot of high volume heavy olympic and powerlifting and am doing a modified version of the CrossFit Diet Kieffer sent out over the holidays. I really want to implement shockwave or heavy duty(?) into my training now. What is the difference between heavy duty and shockwave? are they the same? Which one is better to do for my current high volume training? Does the app explain anything about what PSR means? I see that a lot and don't understand it. I really just want to get a grasp of the shockwave so I can put it into effect. Any help would be very much appreciated.



    There is a diffrence in the two, I am currently using Shockwave (SW) Heavy Duty (HD) with good success with CBL.  I am not sure on the major diffrences since I am not able to get the app or the pdf but do know that HD should fit in fine if you train heavy volume  (at least in my opinion it relativly heavy volume).  Here is a link that explains SWHD in greater detail. Personally, I chose to use it more due to a powerlifting background and it makes logical programming sense to keep my base level of strength on a incline with good hypertrophy methods as well.  Just all around easy to follow and will kick your butt with the negatives (NEG)(I think the NEG are one major diffrence in the two protocols).  Someone else will have to chime on the standard SW protocol.  I have never tried it.  Hope this helps and is not too much rambling.  Also, the best way that I found to understand the PSR was to watch the numerous youtube videos of PSR sets on Kiefers channel.


    Marty P Koch

    Is there a set methodology to determine which exercises fall into the various levels from 1.4?  The .pdf made it easy with the Warmup/1/2/X/U levels marked and color-coded, but in using the App I haven't found a clear way to determine which are which.



    So there is the shockwave, but also in this app there is like add on programs and upcoming bench challenge too, has anyone bought those packs?

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Questions regarding Shockwave Protocol GAINfitness-app

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