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    If I am density bulking and I backload.. how much weight should I be gaining a day/week? also if I weight 190..how many carbs do I need? I skipped the preparation phase so I didnt use the chart in the book.


    If I am density bulking and I backload.. how much weight should I be gaining a day/week? also if I weight 190..how many carbs do I need? I skipped the preparation phase so I didnt use the chart in the book.

    First, you should've done the prep -- it prepares your body for the diet, hence its name.  Unless you came from CNS first?  The prep is integral to getting the diet working properly, and the chart gives you a good guideline.Second, you will grow at whatever rate your body is destined to grow.  That is a genetic thing, and you cannot circumvent genetics.  You can only be the best you can be.My best advise:  do the prep, do the diet right, eat big, lift big, and track your results.  You are really only on a race with yourself.Best of luck.  🙂Cory


    oh.. well in the book it said the prep stage is optional.. but I probably shouldve.. thanks


    Brandon D Christ

    You don't have to do the prep phase for Density Bulking.  The book has a bodyweight to carbs conversion.  Whatever weight you want to bulk to, pick it and look it up in the chart.  It will be a high number, but shoot for it and ajust from there.


    Craig jones

    You don't have to do the prep phase for Density Bulking.  The book has a bodyweight to carbs conversion.  Whatever weight you want to bulk to, pick it and look it up in the chart.  It will be a high number, but shoot for it and ajust from there.

    +1Take the time to learn your body and the foods you respond best to.The prep phase wouldn't do you any harm and may help you identify any food intolerances you may have. eg gluten


    You don't have to do the prep phase for Density Bulking.  The book has a bodyweight to carbs conversion.  Whatever weight you want to bulk to, pick it and look it up in the chart.  It will be a high number, but shoot for it and ajust from there.

    +1Take the time to learn your body and the foods you respond best to.The prep phase wouldn't do you any harm and may help you identify any food intolerances you may have. eg gluten

    +1It is always good to have a solid guideline.  It also helps later if something goes wrong, one less trouble-shooting step.Cory

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