Random Topic-Cream Cheese

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    So I have been grabbing the single serving tubs of cream cheese from the cafeteria on campus. The “Light Cream Cheese” has <1 carb so I grab it. 3.5g of fat and 1g protein. I sometimes just pop the tub in my mouth and drink some coffee when im feeling a little hungry. Helps to hold me over, but Im just questioning weather its an "ok" source. Seems to be ok, but I have never seen much talk on cream cheese so just checking!


    If you don't overdo it and have no GI issues with it, it's fine. Also assuming you keep carbs in check.



    Yea since Im on a modified CBL now, my ULC days i only eat my carbs “green veggies”, in one meal instead of in every meal. So the rest is trace from meat, and the most ill eat is two tubs a day. so two trace carbs and 7g fat total from it. How would i know if i have GI issues with it?


    Yea since Im on a modified CBL now, my ULC days i only eat my carbs "green veggies", in one meal instead of in every meal. So the rest is trace from meat, and the most ill eat is two tubs a day. so two trace carbs and 7g fat total from it. How would i know if i have GI issues with it?

    You'd know.You'd be abnormally gassy, bloated, having pooping issues at one end of the spectrum.



    Immediately? Sorry just want to be sure here. I've been bloated at the end of the day but not on days where I have at cheese. (Last night for example.) my upper abdomen was bloated but all I ate was some beef chicken CO and cucumber. Which I regularly eat, I find it only happens at night too


    Immediately? Sorry just want to be sure here. I've been bloated at the end of the day but not on days where I have at cheese. (Last night for example.) my upper abdomen was bloated but all I ate was some beef chicken CO and cucumber. Which I regularly eat, I find it only happens at night too

    Does that happen after a very large meal? It could just be the food working through being digested.You'd know pretty quickly after eating something you're intolerant to.



    Yes. My largest meal is at the end of the day, basically its my lunch+my mid day snack=dinner.haha i go to bed feeling like a fatty, but at least I know its not disrupting anything now. Thanks for pointing that out!I actually became worried about it last night because I realized that it was happening more regularly since I cut down my meal frequency and upped my meal sizes.


    Yes. My largest meal is at the end of the day, basically its my lunch+my mid day snack=dinner.haha i go to bed feeling like a fatty, but at least I know its not disrupting anything now. Thanks for pointing that out!I actually became worried about it last night because I realized that it was happening more regularly since I cut down my meal frequency and upped my meal sizes.

    It happens to me as well, particularly when backloading with "cleaner foods" like potato based stuff, or rice flours.Rice will do it sometimes, depending on how much I eat, but it doesn't happen till I get around 200g worth of carbs of rice. If I do pizza or something very calorific dense but maybe less over all food volume it doesn't happen much.



    This is happening with ULC foods at night, but I just started eating these larger meals so maybe my body needs to get used to it. It always happens on my BL's and CN's (obviously large quanties of foods there). But about 9oz meat, 9oz cucumber, and some butter/CO left me feeling full/fat haha


    Richard Schmitt

    Take a probiotic before each meal! I do it before lunch and dinner, providing my stomach is empty. I promise it helps that bloated feeling and digesting food



    What probiotic? I mainly see ones that are flavored and full of sugars and such…  :-[I do know the benifits of them though, i took them on my CN's and now on my BL's and it deff helps.



    This is happening with ULC foods at night, but I just started eating these larger meals so maybe my body needs to get used to it. It always happens on my BL's and CN's (obviously large quanties of foods there). But about 9oz meat, 9oz cucumber, and some butter/CO left me feeling full/fat haha

    Full is correct. Easy to explain though, Protein and Fiber are the most satiating macronutrients by a country mile.


    Richard Schmitt

    Jarrows! I have to check the one I have when I'm home.



    Alright thanks man! I also think it might be the cucumber lol. Like i said ive been getting all my greens in one bulk meal so I been slamming like 250-300grams with dinner lol. Deff helps me “go” though..  😮

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Random Topic-Cream Cheese

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