Ratio with Training

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    So this is another annoying check-in question about my macros and training. But I figure I should ask the awkward/ probably dumb question in the beginning here before I continue on a possibly wrong path..I'm female, currently at 120lbs, 5'8" with 16% BF. looking to cut fat and show off the little muscle I have (but hopefully more by the end of this.) so I'm doing the carb nite plan with the shockwave "ripped" program. Training:    Monday:pool HIIT 35min (8-10 AT)     Tuesdays: same as Monday     Wednesday: chest/bis+legs    Thursday: shoulders,tris    Friday:back+abs    Saturday: 1 hr  vinyasa flow yoga class    Sunday: 1 hr walk Food:    Basically 115-120g protein, 85g fats from coconut oil, butter or meat, PWO shake with lucine     Minimal nuts (macadamia if anything) cheese once a day or every other. Greens from spinach and asparagus. Carb nite:    I do whatever I feel like really lol. From 3-9pm. And I'm having it every 7-8th day because usually I'm feeling pretty    good.I've listened to the podcasts and YouTube videos about how women's glycogen stores take longer to deplete as well.Question is first does this look good? Second I'm actually still hungry after dinner from a full days feeding. Wondering if I'm over doing the exercise or if I'm exaggerating and my body will adjust? Shorten my carb nite to the 5 or 6th night? Thanks so much for the feed back


    Brandon D Christ

    So this is another annoying check-in question about my macros and training. But I figure I should ask the awkward/ probably dumb question in the beginning here before I continue on a possibly wrong path..I'm female, currently at 120lbs, 5'8" with 16% BF. looking to cut fat and show off the little muscle I have (but hopefully more by the end of this.) so I'm doing the carb nite plan with the shockwave "ripped" program. Training:    Monday:pool HIIT 35min (8-10 AT)     Tuesdays: same as Monday     Wednesday: chest/bis+legs    Thursday: shoulders,tris    Friday:back+abs    Saturday: 1 hr  vinyasa flow yoga class    Sunday: 1 hr walk Food:    Basically 115-120g protein, 85g fats from coconut oil, butter or meat, PWO shake with lucine     Minimal nuts (macadamia if anything) cheese once a day or every other. Greens from spinach and asparagus. Carb nite:    I do whatever I feel like really lol. From 3-9pm. And I'm having it every 7-8th day because usually I'm feeling pretty    good.I've listened to the podcasts and YouTube videos about how women's glycogen stores take longer to deplete as well.Question is first does this look good? Second I'm actually still hungry after dinner from a full days feeding. Wondering if I'm over doing the exercise or if I'm exaggerating and my body will adjust? Shorten my carb nite to the 5 or 6th night? Thanks so much for the feed back

    Since you are pretty lean for a female you might need to have more frequent Carb Nites.  As far as the hunger goes, you may need more food, but something that is beneficial for most people is to shift most of your food intake to at night.  That way you are well fed when you go to bed.  i don' know about you, but I think being hungry early in the day is no big deal because it can be easily fixed by drinking coffee.Whenever I run Carb Nite my food plan looks like this (Keep in mind I weigh 65 more lbs than you):8 AM:  Wakeup, nicotine gumDrink Black coffee all morning12 PM:  8 ounces chicken breast, 8 ounces of grass fed beef (meal is about 50% fat, 50% protein by calories not grams)6 PM:  6 ounces of salmon, brussel sprouts, tablespoon of butter (similiar to the above meal)Before Bed:  Dozen of chicken wings (nice and fatty!)Essentially I go from fasting, to leaner meals, to a nice filling fatty meal before bed.  The coffee and nicotine help kill hunger in the morning.  This is what I do a week before my powerlifting meets.  I typically have decent fat loss when I do this.



    Since you are pretty lean for a female you might need to have more frequent Carb Nites.  As far as the hunger goes, you may need more food, but something that is beneficial for most people is to shift most of your food intake to at night.  That way you are well fed when you go to bed.  i don' know about you, but I think being hungry early in the day is no big deal because it can be easily fixed by drinking coffee.Whenever I run Carb Nite my food plan looks like this (Keep in mind I weigh 65 more lbs than you):8 AM:  Wakeup, nicotine gumDrink Black coffee all morning12 PM:  8 ounces chicken breast, 8 ounces of grass fed beef (meal is about 50% fat, 50% protein by calories not grams)6 PM:  6 ounces of salmon, brussel sprouts, tablespoon of butter (similiar to the above meal)Before Bed:  Dozen of chicken wings (nice and fatty!)Essentially I go from fasting, to leaner meals, to a nice filling fatty meal before bed.  The coffee and nicotine help kill hunger in the morning.  This is what I do a week before my powerlifting meets.  I typically have decent fat loss when I do this.Hey thanks so much for the reply and advice. I actually eat the same way too. Coffee, workout, then breakfast at 11/11:30, lunch @3, Dinner around 7/8pm. I chew nicotine between meals usually though.I think you're right about the fat content before bed. I bought most of my meats from the meal plans but honestly all I want is red meat or fattier proteins lol. So my next shopping trip will help me be more satisfied.I think i will up the frequency of my actual carb nights as you have answered my suspicions.  my carb night is tonight and after this morning's struggling workout I can't wait to start eating in a couple hours. Definitely can feel my body needing it;feeling kinda sick/weak/ shaking so excited for the carbs 🙂 So obviously I probably waited a day or two long even though I was "feeling good" day 5. Really appreciate it, thanks again



    great stuff from Domanm.  Also might want to look into cutting back on carb nights a little if you want to push you bf as low as possible.  Keifer posted a good article about how some women need to be a little more strategic with carb nites than men.  There's also some good diet examples in Caroline's articles.

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Ratio with Training

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