Recommendations for a fat guy like me

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    Hi all, I have read the book and much in the forum. Wonderful stuff. I gained 20kg of fat and lost all my strength during 2011 when i did 16h of cardio and lots of steady state running while not eating much. I did all the wrongs one can do. I have lost 14 kg during 2012 while experimenting with ketogenesis and some intermittent fasting. I did 12 weeks of stronglifts 5x5, but my strength have stalled somewhat. I think that reintroducing some glycogen will mitigate that. I prefer CBL to CN because my body seems to prefer 3/4 carb meals a week instead of one. I can not eat that much at a time and my stomach stops moving when it is carb deprived. Fiber makes me feel bloated and disgusting. I am still quite fat. My shitty scale tells me that i am between 30% and 33% body fat. The logs in this forum is often between 12% and 20%. My goals are to keep getting stronger and loose fat at a reasonable pace. Now, considering my fatness, i guess i can optimize the program and am curious about your recommendations for changing, adding and removing stuff from my program to better fit my current stats. My stats:1.74m (5'7")95kg (209lbs)30%-33% BFTraining:Day 1: Chest/Triceps/HIITDay 2: Upper back/Biceps/HIITDay 3: Front and Back legs/HIITDay 4: Squats and DeadliftsHIIT consists of 7-10 minutes 30sec max/1min restI try to aim for 3x3x10 exercises/sets/reps and try to add weight and/or reps progressively each week. I got these numbers from the book:PreWO C      0.00      gPreWO P      140.00  gAfterWO C      190.00  gAfterWO P      90.00  gFat per day  35.00  gTranslated into food:PreWO meat  0.70      kgAfterWO meat  0.45      kgAfterWO rice  0.76      kgRD Meat      1.15      kgFat per day  35.00  gTotal KCal WOD aprox. 2300. So, considering my fatness, training and macros. What should i change?What should i start doing?What should i stop doing?Any input is hugely appreciated!Cheers!


    Richard Schmitt

    Well stop doing all that HIIT, stick to lifting heavy, stop CBL and do CNS. Get macros to .5g of Fat and 1g of Protein per target BW. (be reasonable and work your way down) stick to red meats, and butter/coconut oil. Do HIIT post CN. I know you said you don't want to do CNS but with those stats might suck it up and do it so you can meet your goals. Unless you want it to work much more slowly.


    Dr. Rocky Patel

    Well stop doing all that HIIT, stick to lifting heavy, stop CBL and do CNS. Get macros to .5g of Fat and 1g of Protein per target BW. (be reasonable and work your way down) stick to red meats, and butter/coconut oil. Do HIIT post CN. I know you said you don't want to do CNS but with those stats might suck it up and do it so you can meet your goals. Unless you want it to work much more slowly.

    +1 what Big Tex said ^^^



    Thanks Tex and Dr. Patel!Ok. So my target BW is 187lbs gives 187g protein and 90g fat per day, that is around 1600KCal/day (too little?), every day except say saturday on which i binge and do HIIT after two out of four sessions. Am i still able to make some strength gains on CNS or am i supposed to maintain current strength?How much more slowly?


    Dr. Rocky Patel

    i would just do HIIT the day after your carb nite and lift 4-5 days a week,  making sure you lift before your carb nite and train your weakest body part on that day


    Brandon D Christ

    Thanks Tex and Dr. Patel!Ok. So my target BW is 187lbs gives 187g protein and 90g fat per day, that is around 1600KCal/day (too little?), every day except say saturday on which i binge and do HIIT after two out of four sessions. Am i still able to make some strength gains on CNS or am i supposed to maintain current strength?How much more slowly?

    Some people do get strength gains on CNS, but don't expect to do anything too intense.  Just make sure you aren't doing too much volume.



    Stop calling yourself a fat guy and embrace a new identity. Fit guy? A guy who's losing weight?A guy who's getting in the best shape of his life?A guy who's transforming his body for the better?🙂



    Stop calling yourself a fat guy and embrace a new identity. Fit guy? A guy who's losing weight?A guy who's getting in the best shape of his life?A guy who's transforming his body for the better?🙂

    +1 Bal



    Stop calling yourself a fat guy and embrace a new identity. Fit guy? A guy who's losing weight?A guy who's getting in the best shape of his life?A guy who's transforming his body for the better?🙂

    +1 Bal

    +1Here hereSent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2



    Wow! Thanks guys! I feel more motivated than ever 🙂I will then do the following:1. Cut down volume somewhat2. Continue lifting 4 times a week3. Keep the intensity4. Do HIIT the day after the CN5. Train the weakest body part before the CN6. Keep macros to 0.5 fat and 1 protein x target body weight (Here i have a question though, isn't 1600KCal a little bit to low?)7. Stop referring to my self as fat 😉Cheers!



    Fab!The chances are that your body will happily source all the extra calories it needs from your fat stores, but if you are hungry, eat some more. Equally, if you are not hungry, it's fine to skip a meal.


    Brandon D Christ

    If you really are at 30% bodyfat, your body will still think you are in a caloric surplus and as Fairy said, happily use up those excess fat stores.  Once you start to get a lower bodyfat though, you will have to increase the food, especially if you are training hard.



    Perfect! Thanks all for the input and encouragement!I will give this a couple of weeks and see how my body reacts to it, and by the end of the month i will most definitely switch to CNS. Cheers!



    6. Keep macros to 0.5 fat and 1 protein x target body weight (Here i have a question though, isn't 1600KCal a little bit to low?)Cheers!

    Take a look at the videos and listen to the podcasts DH Keifer mentions a few times in different recent podcasts that the 0.5 fat per target is a starting point and to adjust things as you go along. So do it was recommended the week or 2 and adjust from there.In the podcast with Jonathan Watson from propane fitness he talks about weekly caloric deficit.


    Brandon D Christ

    6. Keep macros to 0.5 fat and 1 protein x target body weight (Here i have a question though, isn't 1600KCal a little bit to low?)Cheers!

    Take a look at the videos and listen to the podcasts DH Keifer mentions a few times in different recent podcasts that the 0.5 fat per target is a starting point and to adjust things as you go along. So do it was recommended the week or 2 and adjust from there.In the podcast with Jonathan Watson from propane fitness he talks about weekly caloric deficit.

    Correct, but for people that are carrying a lot of bodyfat, Kiefer said he keeps them on that for a while, unless it needs to be adjusted for some reason.

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Recommendations for a fat guy like me

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