Replacement for Legs: HIIT HELP

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    Do you have access to battle ropes?  If not, you could do upper body circuits (try doing dips, pullups and situps resting only enough to switch exercises and see if that doesn't get your heart going), heavy medicine ball throwing, tie a long rope to a prowler or some weights and drag them to you in a seated position, unilateral dumbell training (no rest just switch sides), or any combination of the above.Keep in mind that depending on the severity of your injury, you might still be able to work the uninjured leg (there are studies that show working the good limb decreases atrophy in the injured limb).Another option is to borrow a wheelchair and head out to the track to knockout some wheelchair sprints.Having said that, healing and rest should be the top priority and your legs wont vaporize if you dont train them for a couple of weeks. You can minimize and fatgain by controlling what you eat. In any event, I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Thank you for the advice! I'll try to do a ton of dips and pull ups followed by TRX body pulls and pull ups.I assume no PWO after this workout considering it will be treated like a fat burner, right? I was planning on sets (between the two exercise of each group) of 40 seconds total followed by 3 minute rests, giving a total of 4 exercise groups each (8 cycles)



    If you are trying to stay strict and true to the CBL protocol, I try to keep things simple – intense workouts (read maximal weights) earns me the right to have carbs and backload while workouts that are fast paced and have an endurance or energy systems training (crossfit, PX90, etc…) feel to them do not warrant carbs. I still have a protein shake afterwards.

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Replacement for Legs: HIIT HELP

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