Report: ‘Worrisome’ levels of arsenic in rice

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    Rice being a ideal carbohydrate with a solid macronutrient profile, I usually would eat it 3-4 times a day. What do you guys think about this new report? Will it change your rice consumption habits?


    Richard Schmitt

    Saw this too on the Today Show. If consumed a couple times a day yeah I'd see a problem but maybe 2-3x a week I wouldn't think it'd hurt.


    Brandon D Christ

    I saw that too.  I didn't look into it.  I really don't eat rice that much.



    I've been eating white rice my entire life in spite of people telling me to eat brown rice for “health” reasons.  When I started CBL and learned that white rice was in fact one of the best carb choices for the diet, I was stoked haha!  Personally never had a problem with it so I intend to keep eating it.



    This sounds like some “dr. oz” shit…  I remember when that jack @ss said their was a high content of arsenic in apple juice, and the feds sent him a letter saying if he doesn't stop scaring the masses of people tuned in to his show they would shut him down.I eat rice almost EVERY backload -  I doubt it's a true "killer"  but hey, too much of anything can be harmful right??  even water!

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Report: ‘Worrisome’ levels of arsenic in rice

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