Rest and recovery beyond time off

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    With this new article it got me wondering what other people do for recovery?Supplements, sleep modifications, meditation and types of it, body work, anything you do for recovery lets hear about it and pass around some ideas. me I love tweaking sleep. There are times when I will get only a few hours (4-5) but I tend to supplement heavily around sleep with Mag, zinc, and B6, plus currently high dose melatonin, and I've played with Benadryl lately, I also will use bi-neural beats while going to sleep, I really like the Pzizz app for that.Also lots of foam rolling, and when I get the chance for it massage and chiropractic work.I've noticed one of the best things for my personal stress levels and recovery is working on having a social life, something I've been really really bad at. I'm not going out partying, but simply going and chilling with my best friend, spending a weekend with my girlfriend, cooking and eating with them even if it might not perfectly fit the diet. Since I've done that more I have been much happier in general and felt more recovered even when other aspects of life and training really start to blow up.


    Brandon D Christ

    For me, recovery is all about stress management.  If you can manage your mental stress, your body will be able to recover physically much better.  It's important to learn how to not worry about things that are outside of your control.  Personally I feel nothing recharges me better than dimming the lights at night, lying on my earthing sheet, and watching a movie (with the color adjusted on the TV so it isn't difficult on my eyes).  My before bed stack that calms me down and gives me better sleep is GABA, magnesium citrate, and potassium citrate.I feel it's important to sleep well, but if you don't/can't sleep, don't stress about it and accept that you are only going to get a couple hours of sleep tonight.  You body can easily handle a sleepless night every once and while, even if you are training hard.



    For me, recovery is all about stress management.  If you can manage your mental stress, your body will be able to recover physically much better.  It's important to learn how to not worry about things that are outside of your control.  Personally I feel nothing recharges me better than dimming the lights at night, lying on my earthing sheet, and watching a movie (with the color adjusted on the TV so it isn't difficult on my eyes).  My before bed stack that calms me down and gives me better sleep is GABA, magnesium citrate, and potassium citrate.I feel it's important to sleep well, but if you don't/can't sleep, don't stress about it and accept that you are only going to get a couple hours of sleep tonight.  You body can easily handle a sleepless night every once and while, even if you are training hard.

    +1anything to reduce stress


    Another couple of things for me is taking an evening and spending a couple of hours gaming or watching anime. It's one of the most relaxing things I can ever do, and I notice if I am regular at taking a couple days a week to veg for 2-3 hours I can stay relaxed in other situations much easier.



    I myself need a few hours to wind down after anything, even just being out with friends. There is no way I can just hit the sack and fall asleep, so even if I come back late I need to lay down, then read or watch something.



    With this new article it got me wondering what other people do for recovery?Supplements, sleep modifications, meditation and types of it, body work, anything you do for recovery lets hear about it and pass around some ideas. me I love tweaking sleep. There are times when I will get only a few hours (4-5) but I tend to supplement heavily around sleep with Mag, zinc, and B6, plus currently high dose melatonin, and I've played with Benadryl lately, I also will use bi-neural beats while going to sleep, I really like the Pzizz app for that.Also lots of foam rolling, and when I get the chance for it massage and chiropractic work.I've noticed one of the best things for my personal stress levels and recovery is working on having a social life, something I've been really really bad at. I'm not going out partying, but simply going and chilling with my best friend, spending a weekend with my girlfriend, cooking and eating with them even if it might not perfectly fit the diet. Since I've done that more I have been much happier in general and felt more recovered even when other aspects of life and training really start to blow up.

    The social thing is dead on for me, the more time I spend socializing with friends, family, GF or just saying hi to randoms in class, the more relaxed I am. When I have too much time to sit around i stress about everything!!-Mike



    Another couple of things for me is taking an evening and spending a couple of hours gaming or watching anime. It's one of the most relaxing things I can ever do, and I notice if I am regular at taking a couple days a week to veg for 2-3 hours I can stay relaxed in other situations much easier.

    +111111111111111Speaking of which, have you finished Steins;Gate?


    Another couple of things for me is taking an evening and spending a couple of hours gaming or watching anime. It's one of the most relaxing things I can ever do, and I notice if I am regular at taking a couple days a week to veg for 2-3 hours I can stay relaxed in other situations much easier.

    +111111111111111Speaking of which, have you finished Steins;Gate?

    I haven't even had time to watch. I literally slept for 3 hours between waking up friday morning and crashing sunday night.



    Fair enough, lol. But at least now you know what to do with your next veg session!


    Brandon D Christ

    I myself need a few hours to wind down after anything, even just being out with friends. There is no way I can just hit the sack and fall asleep, so even if I come back late I need to lay down, then read or watch something.

    Same with me.  I am an introvert by nature so socializing tends to mentally drain me. 

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Rest and recovery beyond time off

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