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  • #136239


    Well what youre doing is working, u look great:)

    With you sammy! If i keep it completely clean and dont go nuts my workout week suffers big time, but I also never wake up bloated no matter how much I eat! It truly does come down to what works for you and your personal appetite!Congrats on the progress!


    Lesli Bortz

    Did I miss progress pics Mike?


    samuel r walker

    Well what youre doing is working, u look great:)

    With you sammy! If i keep it completely clean and dont go nuts my workout week suffers big time, but I also never wake up bloated no matter how much I eat! It truly does come down to what works for you and your personal appetite!Congrats on the progress!

    Same here bro.. Only time I have a six pack is the morning after a 8hr carb orgy haha



    Did I miss progress pics Mike?

    No 🙁 I have yet to buy a digital cam and iphone 5 pics are too big for DH, but i do take them every week

    Well what youre doing is working, u look great:)

    With you sammy! If i keep it completely clean and dont go nuts my workout week suffers big time, but I also never wake up bloated no matter how much I eat! It truly does come down to what works for you and your personal appetite!Congrats on the progress!

    Same here bro.. Only time I have a six pack is the morning after a 8hr carb orgy haha

    Haha we got it hard bro... 🙁



    Did I miss progress pics Mike?

    No 🙁 I have yet to buy a digital cam and iphone 5 pics are too big for DH, but i do take them every week

    Well what youre doing is working, u look great:)

    With you sammy! If i keep it completely clean and dont go nuts my workout week suffers big time, but I also never wake up bloated no matter how much I eat! It truly does come down to what works for you and your personal appetite!Congrats on the progress!

    Same here bro.. Only time I have a six pack is the morning after a 8hr carb orgy haha

    Haha we got it hard bro... 🙁

    Email then to yourself, then size them..  Or upload them to a photo website and share the photo link..Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2



    You can change the iPhones pic size in the settings if you really want to take and send a pic. Or shrink it on the computer.Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


    Lesli Bortz

    Did I miss progress pics Mike?

    No 🙁 I have yet to buy a digital cam and iphone 5 pics are too big for DH, but i do take them every week

    Well what youre doing is working, u look great:)

    With you sammy! If i keep it completely clean and dont go nuts my workout week suffers big time, but I also never wake up bloated no matter how much I eat! It truly does come down to what works for you and your personal appetite!Congrats on the progress!

    Same here bro.. Only time I have a six pack is the morning after a 8hr carb orgy haha

    Haha we got it hard bro... 🙁

    Try emailing the pic to yourself...usually it asks if you want to send it as a smaller size. Then you can usually upload



    Do you guys know who they are?Just met them today!!!My favorite couple in the fitness industry!! Dana Lynn Bailey



    And a legend of bodybuilding history!!



    Yeahh first pic is Dana Linn right? and Jay looks fucking hugee for taking a year off olympia! Where are you??



    Los Angeles Fitness Expo. I live in LA.I was so excited to meet Dana. I love her physique!!!!



    Yeah omg your so lucky she is shredded and huge!



    How funny, my name is Dana lynn too! LOL. She looks great! That show look awesome. Wish I went when I lived in L.A.

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)

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