Results as a "vegan" on cns, progress pics!

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  • #180381

    Brandon D Christ

    The site's search function (or lack thereof) is pretty bad.

    I do agree, it really should have one at this point with the frequency of content. Although if you know what you are looking for searching google pulls it up easy.

    Eh I kind of disagree.  I remember I tried to find an article Julia Ladewski wrote on how to backload for women and I for the life of me just could not find it.



    When I first came to DH I tried to find some of the recipes and couldn't. I had to keep checking back until the randomly appeared on the home page.



    It's very simple to find what you're looking for if u go to google and type it in and out either Kiefer or Dh or something….I've dont that before when looking for something but wasn't quite sure what the title was called….I fit know we're referring to Caroline either….haven't been on the site in a while….


    Peter Hunt

    The easiest way to find stuff on google is to type for example, type into the search box:"bookworm to bikini"



    The site's search function (or lack thereof) is pretty bad.

    The easiest way to search is by typing this in google:site: (space) (search option)Then start reading.



    How is that plateauing?  8)

    I prob say plateau because the scale isn't budging but I could be recomping....the only thing I really want to see results with more is my legs....

    Scale is a liar  as long as you are looking and feeling good, that's what matters..


    Brandon D Christ

    The site's search function (or lack thereof) is pretty bad.

    The easiest way to search is by typing this in google:site: (space) (search option)Then start reading.

    We are talking about articles on the blog, not forum threads.



    The site's search function (or lack thereof) is pretty bad.

    The easiest way to search is by typing this in google:site: (space) (search option)Then start reading.

    We are talking about articles on the blog, not forum threads.

    I knew that 😉 my badJust remove forum, it's all good.

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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Results as a "vegan" on cns, progress pics!

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