Macadamia Nuts are ok occasionally, almonds same thing. Not a whole bunch though. Plant fats such as olive oil, mac oil, avocados, etc (Sans coconut oil) are not ideal. reason being is that they cause inflammation in the stomach and gets stored as actual FAT! Which is horribly true. Stick to butters, Ghee, coconut oil, animal fats. If you have left over bacon fat/grease use that to cook lean beef in or eggs. It helps save on money and more convinent. If you're wanting something crunchy to snack on have the almonds or macs every now and then.
okkkaayy... so i break my fast everyday with bacon, avacado, macadamias and grass fed we want no avacados and less nuts? Where did you find this information, it's terribly devastating!
Podcast 8) after that the information was passed around and it stuck. Honestly once people took those out (myself included) I started to look a bit better. Now use on occasion, not everyday