RIP Sergio Oliva

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    One of the greatest has left us.  :'(RIP Sergio. sergio-oliva-biceps.jpg


    Jack O'Neill

    🙁 a great manR.I.P.


    One of the greatest has left us.  :'(RIP Sergio. sergio-oliva-biceps.jpg

    Yep, I just found out this morning on Facebook.  Sleep well three-time Mr. Olympia champion.  RIP.  :'(Cory



    One of the greatest has left us.  :'(RIP Sergio. sergio-oliva-biceps.jpg

    his triceps were among the best and will be missed!


    Joseph Conti

    The golden age shall never die



    I just saw this, what a shame!



    If I recall correctly, I recently read that he was notorious for eating basically whatever he wanted all the time, regardless of how close to a show he was.@CoryMcC - I don't know if there is any truth to that above statement, but I'm willing to bet that you do.



    If I recall correctly, I recently read that he was notorious for eating basically whatever he wanted all the time, regardless of how close to a show he was.@CoryMcC - I don't know if there is any truth to that above statement, but I'm willing to bet that you do.

    Well not to rip on Sergio, but the old timers are notorious for extreme bullshitting when it comes to their diet and training....


    If I recall correctly, I recently read that he was notorious for eating basically whatever he wanted all the time, regardless of how close to a show he was.@CoryMcC - I don't know if there is any truth to that above statement, but I'm willing to bet that you do.

    To be honest, I think that's a myth (no pun intended).  For instance, take Arnold:  I've read some interviews where he claims to have eaten strict ALL the time, b/c he believed that the only food that belonged in his body was food that would do something proper for his physique.  YET, Arnold was quoted as saying to Frank Zane once:  "it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you eat a lot of it." (referring to a full-on, no holding back breakfast @ a diner).There is a lot of legend from the early days.  Who really knows.  I can say this, ripped is ripped.  They might not have had the drugs we have today (for getting shredded, etc.), but they did pretty well for themselves considering.  Can't do that without having some disciplined plan in place.  One could argue that CNS allows you to gorge once a week, but remember:  you are still ULC strict for 6 days out of 7.Cory



    If I recall correctly, I recently read that he was notorious for eating basically whatever he wanted all the time, regardless of how close to a show he was.@CoryMcC - I don't know if there is any truth to that above statement, but I'm willing to bet that you do.

    To be honest, I think that's a myth (no pun intended).  For instance, take Arnold:  I've read some interviews where he claims to have eaten strict ALL the time, b/c he believed that the only food that belonged in his body was food that would do something proper for his physique.  YET, Arnold was quoted as saying to Frank Zane once:  "it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you eat a lot of it." (referring to a full-on, no holding back breakfast @ a diner).There is a lot of legend from the early days.  Who really knows.  I can say this, ripped is ripped.  They might not have had the drugs we have today (for getting shredded, etc.), but they did pretty well for themselves considering.  Can't do that without having some disciplined plan in place.  One could argue that CNS allows you to gorge once a week, but remember:  you are still ULC strict for 6 days out of 7.Cory

    I was going to believe whatever you told me, anyways, so thanks for the reply lolOn another note, I think those physiques are much more appealing than the ones we see at the Olympia today. I'm not an expert on the sport but I don't think you need to be; In my books, Arnie trumps Ronnie, Jay, and Phil.


    If I recall correctly, I recently read that he was notorious for eating basically whatever he wanted all the time, regardless of how close to a show he was.@CoryMcC - I don't know if there is any truth to that above statement, but I'm willing to bet that you do.

    To be honest, I think that's a myth (no pun intended).  For instance, take Arnold:  I've read some interviews where he claims to have eaten strict ALL the time, b/c he believed that the only food that belonged in his body was food that would do something proper for his physique.  YET, Arnold was quoted as saying to Frank Zane once:  "it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you eat a lot of it." (referring to a full-on, no holding back breakfast @ a diner).There is a lot of legend from the early days.  Who really knows.  I can say this, ripped is ripped.  They might not have had the drugs we have today (for getting shredded, etc.), but they did pretty well for themselves considering.  Can't do that without having some disciplined plan in place.  One could argue that CNS allows you to gorge once a week, but remember:  you are still ULC strict for 6 days out of 7.Cory

    I was going to believe whatever you told me, anyways, so thanks for the reply lolOn another note, I think those physiques are much more appealing than the ones we see at the Olympia today. I'm not an expert on the sport but I don't think you need to be; In my books, Arnie trumps Ronnie, Jay, and Phil.

    Frankly, I prefer the classic physique.  I have all the respect in the world for the current pros, but I just prefer that classic look.  Go back even further, pre-steroids... look at guys like John Grimek, Clancy Ross, Reg Park, Steve Reeves, etc.  A strong testament to what the human body can achieve with lots of food (and lots of raw milk) + one hard-ass work ethic!Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    If I recall correctly, I recently read that he was notorious for eating basically whatever he wanted all the time, regardless of how close to a show he was.@CoryMcC - I don't know if there is any truth to that above statement, but I'm willing to bet that you do.

    To be honest, I think that's a myth (no pun intended).  For instance, take Arnold:  I've read some interviews where he claims to have eaten strict ALL the time, b/c he believed that the only food that belonged in his body was food that would do something proper for his physique.  YET, Arnold was quoted as saying to Frank Zane once:  "it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you eat a lot of it." (referring to a full-on, no holding back breakfast @ a diner).There is a lot of legend from the early days.  Who really knows.  I can say this, ripped is ripped.  They might not have had the drugs we have today (for getting shredded, etc.), but they did pretty well for themselves considering.  Can't do that without having some disciplined plan in place.  One could argue that CNS allows you to gorge once a week, but remember:  you are still ULC strict for 6 days out of 7.Cory

    Another thing is that if you read Education of a Bodybuilder, Arnold says that he got drunk a lot.  Others said Arnold rarely drank, and Daniel from the Biojacked podcast said Arnold was only drunk twice in his life.



    To be honest, I think that's a myth (no pun intended).  For instance, take Arnold:  I've read some interviews where he claims to have eaten strict ALL the time, b/c he believed that the only food that belonged in his body was food that would do something proper for his physique.  YET, Arnold was quoted as saying to Frank Zane once:  "it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you eat a lot of it." (referring to a full-on, no holding back breakfast @ a diner).There is a lot of legend from the early days.  Who really knows.  I can say this, ripped is ripped.  They might not have had the drugs we have today (for getting shredded, etc.), but they did pretty well for themselves considering.  Can't do that without having some disciplined plan in place.  One could argue that CNS allows you to gorge once a week, but remember:  you are still ULC strict for 6 days out of 7.Cory

    So true.Arnold was the biggest bullshitter when it comes to training and diet stories.... There are numerous stories about him eating cakes or other "dirty" food from others. But it's all good, I think he said most of what he said with tongue in cheek, and a lot of that was lost or misunderstood.



    Frankly, I prefer the classic physique.  I have all the respect in the world for the current pros, but I just prefer that classic look.  Go back even further, pre-steroids... look at guys like John Grimek, Clancy Ross, Reg Park, Steve Reeves, etc.  A strong testament to what the human body can achieve with lots of food (and lots of raw milk) + one hard-ass work ethic!Cory

    Sorry to say it, but the first mentioning of testosterone propionate injections for weightlifters are from the 1930s. AFAIK, Reg Park and John Grimek have both admitted to Dianabol or where mentioned by others as being a part in the "testing" phase of Dianabol.


    If I recall correctly, I recently read that he was notorious for eating basically whatever he wanted all the time, regardless of how close to a show he was.@CoryMcC - I don't know if there is any truth to that above statement, but I'm willing to bet that you do.

    To be honest, I think that's a myth (no pun intended).  For instance, take Arnold:  I've read some interviews where he claims to have eaten strict ALL the time, b/c he believed that the only food that belonged in his body was food that would do something proper for his physique.  YET, Arnold was quoted as saying to Frank Zane once:  "it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you eat a lot of it." (referring to a full-on, no holding back breakfast @ a diner).There is a lot of legend from the early days.  Who really knows.  I can say this, ripped is ripped.  They might not have had the drugs we have today (for getting shredded, etc.), but they did pretty well for themselves considering.  Can't do that without having some disciplined plan in place.  One could argue that CNS allows you to gorge once a week, but remember:  you are still ULC strict for 6 days out of 7.Cory

    Another thing is that if you read Education of a Bodybuilder, Arnold says that he got drunk a lot.  Others said Arnold rarely drank, and Danielle from the Biojacked podcast said Arnold was only drunk twice in his life.

    So many conflicting stories.  Mike Katz, who competed at the time, said that Arnold (and Columbo) might have had a few beers here and there ("being European", his words), but alcohol WAS NOT part of their life-style ("their" as in bodybuilders).Cory

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RIP Sergio Oliva

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