ruling out supps?

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    So with my digestive system these days it seems like I can't catch a break. Something is always irritating it and I think I've taken every food out of my diet that was giving me issues. So now I guess im going to have to move to supps and start canceling them out. I know caffeine gets me bad and so I started using non stimm stuff. I started taking Ultima by omega sports and adding cittruline Malays and agmatine. So far im still having diarrhea before and sometimes during a workout. I've also been taking daa lately and heard that can cause issues. So basically at this point im like well shot should I just do nothing but food?



    best bet is just do sort of an elimination type thing like with food and rule out what causes issues



    Yeah im waiting till my insurance kicks in in a month then I'm gonna have em go in both ways if they have to and have a look around. Because over the last year I have gone from eating anything I wanted to now not tolerating aaaanything hardly. The bulk of my diet is beef eggs and raw unpasteurized sauerkraut and most meats of any sort seem fine but branch outside of that and cross your fingers. But yeah maybe tomorrow ill try just the cittruline malate and agmatine or just the ultima.

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ruling out supps?

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