Sets in a workout for Glut4

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    Brian Timlin

    I'm working a split routine right now 5-6  days per week.I only do two sets in workouts and that's it for the day.  They are right to the limit, but they are short in duration.I do one set of full range anywhere from 3-20 reps.  I usually pick one bodyweight exercise and when I can do 20, I move up to the next level where I can often only do 3 and go from there again.  These are progressive and not easy, in case some people think it is.  You end up at one arm pull ups and the like.After one set of full range I set up a power rack to do the body part only in the strong range or the last few inches of the movement, so I can put way more weight on the bar or machine than you would with the full range.  Then I do as many partial reps as I can in 3 min.  I find this is the most powerful and stimulating exercise for hypertrophy.The only partials I don't do are on my thighs and hamstrings because I don't want them to be too big and awkward.  I do isometric holds and full range with my legs.  So on a leg day I'd only do one full set of squats in the full range.  When I get to one legged squats with my bodyweight I'll switch to using weights in the full range for that and won't go over 5 reps.I don't really believe in extra sets, I find it better to go to the max in one or two sets. Once you've provided enough stimulation to progress I don't see the point in more sets that just tire you out and impede recovery. Is this fine for carb backloading, the fact that I do way less sets than Shockwave or many other bodybuilding programs?  Does it matter in terms of Glut4 activation?


    Richard Schmitt

    So basically bodyweight training?


    Brian Timlin

    No, also partial reps with extremely heavy weights.  But very low sets.  Usually two sets per day 6 days a week, one bodyweight set and one partials set.  On one of those days I do bodyweight only for only one set of reps of 3-20.


    Brandon D Christ

    It's fine from a GLUT4 perspective, but it looks like a pretty low training load.  I'd watch your carbs when you backload.


    Brian Timlin

    It's fine from a GLUT4 perspective, but it looks like a pretty low training load.  I'd watch your carbs when you backload.

    I was just asking about Glut4 so didn't mention cardio.I also interval train 4-5 times per week, so would that make it a good training load overall?


    Richard Schmitt

    No because resistance training and interval training are two completely different subjects.


    Brian Timlin

    I don't really understand that.  I would have thought if you use glycogen for training surely you will need to replenish those stores.I had the impression that partitioning more efficiently and quickly was the issue, and that was taken care of by heavy resistance training.I eat 70-200g of carbs per backload, but I'm usually nearer the lower end of the scale.  I just eat to be satisfied.  The only food I keep an eye on getting enough of is getting 120g or more of protein per day.


    Brandon D Christ

    It's fine from a GLUT4 perspective, but it looks like a pretty low training load.  I'd watch your carbs when you backload.

    I was just asking about Glut4 so didn't mention cardio.I also interval train 4-5 times per week, so would that make it a good training load overall?

    Probably, but of course that would depend on what you do for intervals.


    Brian Timlin

    It's fine from a GLUT4 perspective, but it looks like a pretty low training load.  I'd watch your carbs when you backload.

    I was just asking about Glut4 so didn't mention cardio.I also interval train 4-5 times per week, so would that make it a good training load overall?

    Probably, but of course that would depend on what you do for intervals.

    Cardio I'm doing right now per week:2 Vo2max intervals per week, all out sprinting for 2-4 minutes, 2-3 minutes rest, repeated 3-10 times.  I'm starting on the lower end and building up to the hardest and longest session.2 or 3 tempo or lighter intervals per week, 75% of less of max sprinting for 12-15 seconds, rest for 60sec, repeat 12-15 times.If I only have 2 tempo intervals I'll have one steady state run for 30 minutes not going any faster than a pace I feel I could sustain all day.I may be adding back two speed plyometric sessions with resistance bands as well (I had stopped them) which are sort of intervals, but not as intense as sprinting all out. They are 6-8 seconds with 90 rest repeated 7 times, then a five minute rest and four sets of that. 

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Sets in a workout for Glut4

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