Shockwave 1.4 — more questions

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    I should have just lumped all these into one post, but oh well.1.  When doing the "Level U or Level 2" sets, I'm guessing I may have to drop the weight for each set in order to keep hitting the target rep count, since the goal is that "an additional rep would be impossible".  Is that correct?2.  I'm doing CNS for nutrition so my minimum goal is to hit level "0", "1", and "U", and possibly "X" and "2" if I'm feeling really good.  So my question is about the order of exercises.  Should I make a first pass thru the workout hitting 0, 1, and U FIRST?  And then go back and do X and 2 if I'm feeling good?Thanks for the help!


    Richard Schmitt

    1) Drop the weight only if need to. Other than that, 2 sets of 8-10 (whatever it is) do what you can. 2) Go through as is. If you feel you can attempt that movement when you're supposed to then go for iy



    OK, another question after today's workout:On the Wednesday workout, I'm doing the 35 min of HIIT + the SW Core workout of 3 exercises in a fasted state.  I'm doing CNS so I typically do a protein only shake following my weight training sessions on my ULC days.  Not sure if I should do a shake after this workout though since it's not super taxing volume-wise.  Thoughts?


    Richard Schmitt

    It wouldn't hurt to have an ULC shake. Or just go home and make the AM Shake.



    And the hits questions just keep on comin!This one relates to HIIT in conjunction with CNS / and ShockWave.So when you're doing a HIIT session with seven :30 / 4:30 intervals, does that change [lessen] the way glycogen stores are burned through?  I used to do 20-25 min of :30/:60s.And I used to do at least three of these sessions per week..especially in the days immediately following carb nite.  The SW protocol only has two per week.  Is that enough to burn out those post-CN glycogen stores?   


    Richard Schmitt

    Well you can split it up into three per week, and yes it'll deplete glycogen since men tend to lose carbs rather quickly. The :30/4 split is pretty much ideal for losing body fat and packing on the muscle. Just be sure you're pushing it for that 30 seconds.



    Thanks for all the help.  I think I'm getting the ELECT technique down, but is there a good link to a video or post that describes the technique it in more detail?


    Richard Schmitt

    YouTube, Kiefer's Channel, but they have been taken down.



    If you watch the videos for Christian Thibideau's anaconda protocol the motion should be pretty similar since keifer openly says he borrowed some of thib's ideas.




    Thanks all for the help.  It's been only a couple weeks now on Shockwave and I have to say I'm pretty damn impressed with what I'm seeing in the mirror.  I still have a good amount of mid-section bodyfat to lose, but I REALLY notice a more pumped up look in my chest, shoulders, back, and traps.  Since I'm a geezer and am really trying to lose fat, I was admittedly a little skeptical of only doing two HIIT sessions per week….and with large rest intervals after the :30s as well.  But I really notice a difference in how I look. I think I may have been doing too much hiit and / or high-volume training (“crossfit-esque”) in the past as my physique was starting to look like what Kiefer described as “skinny-fat wimpy looking” (or whatever terms he uses when discussing CrossFit).  Going well and looking forward to my CN tomorrow! 



    So I notice on Kiefer's video on barbell curls that the wrists are flexed down instead of the traditional “up”.  I've never done curls this way and am curious as to the reason for this.  I can definitely do less weight this way.  Additionally, doing them this way seems to aggravate my elbow tendinitis.  Thoughts?



    I'm gonna do a little thread hijack since there are a lot of great questions and answers in this thread and add a question of my own.Did my first Shockwave legs day yesterday, and struggled with ELECT Squats.  Specifically, I felt like there was too much time between the PSR sets due to reracking the bar, adding weight, unracking the bar, getting into position and finally squatting again.  It was probably only 30-40 seconds since I had all my plates laid out beforehand, but still a lot more than for any other exercise.Is this ok, and if not, any tips for avoiding this downtime?


    I'm gonna do a little thread hijack since there are a lot of great questions and answers in this thread and add a question of my own.Did my first Shockwave legs day yesterday, and struggled with ELECT Squats.  Specifically, I felt like there was too much time between the PSR sets due to reracking the bar, adding weight, unracking the bar, getting into position and finally squatting again.  It was probably only 30-40 seconds since I had all my plates laid out beforehand, but still a lot more than for any other exercise.Is this ok, and if not, any tips for avoiding this downtime?

    Ideally you want about 30 seconds tops.Once you start getting the hang of it you can manage 20 seconds fairly easy.



    So I notice on Kiefer's video on barbell curls that the wrists are flexed down instead of the traditional "up".  I've never done curls this way and am curious as to the reason for this.  I can definitely do less weight this way.  Additionally, doing them this way seems to aggravate my elbow tendinitis.  Thoughts?

    They talk about the wrist thing here: if it's aggravating your elbows don't do them that way.

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Shockwave 1.4 — more questions

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