Shockwave app

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    Does the app you buy have the heavy duty version in it? I don't want to spend 10 dollars if it doesn't.


    It doesn't, at least not yet.


    Joseph Conti

    What are your thoughts of it Trevor? IMO, it just isn't that user friendly and am disappointed in my purchase actually


    What are your thoughts of it Trevor? IMO, it just isn't that user friendly and am disappointed in my purchase actually

    I like it.I find it very easy to use, and I've used it both to make workouts and as a guide to make my own workouts. The PSR set stuff is the most useful part of it.


    Joseph Conti

    Do you actually log your workouts in the app?


    Do you actually log your workouts in the app?

    No, I just use it to generate or help me generate my own workout for the day.



    Well I'm not gonna purchase it the till it includes heavy duty. I thought Kiefer said shock wave was originally free. What happened to that?


    Well I'm not gonna purchase it the till it includes heavy duty. I thought Kiefer said shock wave was originally free. What happened to that?

    The app requires a lot of work, the old PDF was free, and from the sounds of it a new PDF will be coming out which will most likely be free.


    Bob Hagan

    I've been using the 531 app for about the last year. I was disappointed when I bought the shockwave app today. It seems to be missing one important element, how much weight to use on each exercise. The 531 app allows you to determine your 1 rep max and then computes all of your reps and weights based on that. I'm certain that I can figure out the ways to use through trial and error all these new exercises that I haven't been doing, but when you spend $10 for a app. You would think that basic math would be a basic part of it. I need to spend some more time, but it appears it doesn't log your workouts either. Something that the 531 app does helps you track progress. I'm a big capitalist, but I was a bit put off that is soon as I purchased the app navigate way past advertisers to spend even more money before I got a chance to even look at what I had just bought.



    How can the app tell you how much weight to use? We all have wildly different bodies. It may take you a few sessions of tweaking, but you're going to figure it out. The app is a tracker and a guide, not a genie. For all the awesome things it can do, it's still dependent on inputs from you.


    Bob Hagan

    Well it seems to me that it should be just basic math, which is calculated based on your 1 rep maxes. However, I'm sure I'm missing a lot of information. I been trying to get information on this program for months, but it's harder to get in some state secrets. I did just read and reread the latest article posted on the main page, but by its own admission, it is incomplete. The app doesn't seem to address things that were mentioned in the article, like different training levels or what PSR means. Anyways, I'm patient. I'm looking for a new program after doing 531 for almost a year. I still believe the Kiefer knows what is talking about, and obviously there are a lot of diehard fans who give him the benefit of the doubt on everything. But at the end of the day we are the consumers and this is one product that has not been entirely customer friendly.

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Shockwave app

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