Shockwave App Help!

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    Hi there! First of all I'm new to the forum as this will be my first post but I have used the place quite extensively, absolutely loving backloading, amazing results! Couldn't find the answer to my question anywhere so I thought I'd make a post!I've just bought the shockwave app and I'm looking through the leg day and there is a set which simply says "Squats.1 set - 2 reps". This is on each of the days whether its deadlifts or a barbell press, it's a big compound movement. SO finally my question is, what is this set for? And how heavy do you go? Is this where I go for my one rep max on the deadlifts or bench press? Or is it something to do with stimulating the muscle and you dont need to go heavy at all? Any feedback would greatly appreciated 🙂Ryan


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes its the Max and feeling that umph to go for it



    Ah brilliant, thanks Big Tex!

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Shockwave App Help!

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