Shockwave iPhone app am I missing something?

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    Bob Hagan

    I downloaded the new shockwave gain fitness iPhone app today. I've been using the 531 app for about a year now, so I may just be having trouble making the adjustment. However, shockwave app seems to be missing something. I programmed in equipment I have in my home gym and my goals and it came up with a nice program was about 9 different exercises the 1st workout. However, he didn't ask me anything about my current one rep maxes and did not provide any weights to use for the different exercises. I'm sure I can figure this out through trial and error, but I guess I just figured for 10 bucks it would help me set things up so I can hit the ground running like the 531 system does. Like the subject says, “am I missing something?”


    Richard Schmitt

    are you talking about the PSR stuff? If you know the 1RM, then it'll plug the rest in for you. The other movements is all trial and error and what you can/can't do. Maybe do a warm up set for the exercises then lift a weight that will accomplish the lift.


    Bob Hagan

    Thanks Big Tex, can you tell me what PSR stands for? I've scoured the latest article on the DH main page, but could find no reference to it. Also I can't find out where to input the 1 rep max in the app could you give me a hint?Thanks again


    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks Big Tex, can you tell me what PSR stands for? I've scoured the latest article on the DH main page, but could find no reference to it. Also I can't find out where to input the 1 rep max in the app could you give me a hint?Thanks again

    For the PSR, Partitioned Set Ramping, it should be located at the top right corner of the app. Once you plug that in, it'll give you sets to accomplish on the left with the percentages and weights on the right of that column. I would generate a workout out of pure curosity and mess with it to figure out how to work the app a bit. It's fairly simple


    Adriel Camejo

    I downloaded the new shockwave gain fitness iPhone app today. I've been using the 531 app for about a year now, so I may just be having trouble making the adjustment. However, shockwave app seems to be missing something. I programmed in equipment I have in my home gym and my goals and it came up with a nice program was about 9 different exercises the 1st workout. However, he didn't ask me anything about my current one rep maxes and did not provide any weights to use for the different exercises. I'm sure I can figure this out through trial and error, but I guess I just figured for 10 bucks it would help me set things up so I can hit the ground running like the 531 system does. Like the subject says, "am I missing something?"

    Out of curiosity, what app were you using for your 5-3-1 setup? I like 5-3-1 but haven't found an app i like enough for tracking progress.


    Bob Hagan

    Search the app store for “Big Lifts”. I just checked and the company that makes it is called Usable Design, LLC. I also just noticed there's a new one called Big Lifts Pro. The big lifts Is been fantastic. Determine your maxes, plug them into the app and every warm-up set and work set is laid out easy as can be. It also keeps a log and calculate your estimated 1 rep max after each workout for the primary exercise of that day.

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Shockwave iPhone app am I missing something?

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