Shockwave is pretty awesome

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    I guess I'm in shock 🙂Started playing around with ELECT sets on leg extension and leg curl exercises- 5 mini sets, last one being a rep shy of failure. Did this for 8 total sets, 4 of both. Mostly seems to work well for selectorized machines, as I don't feel like being a dick and taking 5 sets of dumbbells in a crowded gym for multiple times.Went on to use a hammer strength leg press after those sets and added 20, and then 30 lbs to my last session, only to hit more reps than last time I did this exercise (and it was the FIRST exercise in my rotation when I did it 4 days ago).Anyway, it was a great day at the gym and I'll be incorporating this style of training into my back and tricep exercises, as well.



    I've been using the Shockwave Protocol as well and I've really liked it so far. 

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Shockwave is pretty awesome

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