I guess You question actually is if You should beackload (slam carbs) on wednesday to fill glyco storages up even though You are not resistance training thursday.
Thursday should according to book be a backload day to refill glyco for friday training session, but I understand what You mean since the risk of storing it as fat increases since You do not work out pre carb binge on thursday.
But they – think of us who w.o. mon wed fri – should be impossible to backload if trying to do it optimal. Dont know which is best though, to follow book recomendation or to allways back load AFTER training (book actualy describes FRONT load = prior training unless im totaly lost here, I have actually put the question up about this
(According to CBL 1.0 back loading is to fill upp for the next days training session, but the best window to prevent storing carbs as fat is AFTER training)