Few months ago I discovered this protocol aiming for extremely rapid fat loss.
Yeah, those before-after pictures looked just amazing as well as the testimonials.
That was exactly at the time I wanted to do cutting, to burn stubborn body fat.
Therefore, I dialed in.
I did whatever Kiefer says in the CNS, starting the 10-day prep phase, keeping carb intake no more than 30g , eating fat and protein at decent ratio, then having a wonderful evening-all-the-way-to-bedtime carb-ladened feast on the tenth day.
The first-CN aftermath was actually great, though a bit bloated in the lower belly the following day(probably being my shit inside lol), I could see some definition above that.
However, one month passed, the progress seemed stalled.
After the cleanse of the first CN, my weight downed from 75.5 kg to 74.6 kg. For now, I weigh 75.8 kg in the CN morning.
What’s wrong?
I eat all fatty cuts, eggs in fair amount(knowing they cause insulin spike), animal oils like lard and butter, I do cook with EVOO sometimes but not so often(also making protein cake with it), and cheese.
I check my carb intake carefully.
How could it be?
As a 178 cm male with 15-18% BF at 19, I now can have whole-week exercise schedule, of which five are resistant training for isolated body parts, two are sports like basketball and baseball.
I do IF, in which I eat my first meal at 10~12, second and the last meal of the day at 17~19.
Could this life style be the cause of my failure?
I’ve read some early posts, saying that if you exercise quite often, you should go for CBL.
But why I keep my training routine is that I just want to maintain strength while losing fat critically.
Need advice!
This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by 黃劭勛.
This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by 黃劭勛.