Should I switch from CNS to CBL

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    I need suggestions. I've been at 177/178 for a month and a half. It's been really hard trying to lose these last 8 pounds. My bf% has been the same also. After a carb nite, I go up to 181 avg. then drop down to 177 a week later on my CN. Should I switch or add another CN. I currently bike 5 miles a day, 5 days a week to my job to save gasI lift heavy 3-4x a week.Just want my goal of 170/172 and be 21% bf


    Richard Schmitt

    What's your nutrition like and training routine?


    Daily food.Fat-130-135gProtein 100-110gCarbs 12-15gLift mon/fri: lower body.. tues/thurs: upperDoing some Olympic lifts on mon and friI squat, deadlift, bench, etc. Name the lifts, I do it


    Richard Schmitt

    Increase your macros. You're not even eating enough in the day. You're starving your body and your body is going to hold onto everything it can because of it. Base your macros a lot closer to your body weight, at least around 160lbs and work your way down as weeks progress.


    What does your total carbs look like in a day?



    Increase your macros. You're not even eating enough in the day.

    +1You're eating about as much as a 120lb female should be.


    Yeah, you are hardly eating, you will want to eat more to make up for the extra energy expended from all the biking. You are currently eating 1700 calories roughly a day, that's hardly anything, and you are likely in a very very large deficit even over the week.Try adding 300-500 calories a day and see what happens.The other options would be move to CBL and use it for your means of cycling calories.


    Richard Schmitt

    What does your total carbs look like in a day?

    For me? Maybe 5-10g?


    Ok. Thanks for the advice. I bumped up my fat and protein. Hope this get everything going again.


    Bumped my marcos and calories up, and weighed in at 174.8 and bf% dropped too. Thanks for your help guys


    Richard Schmitt

    Bumped my marcos and calories up, and weighed in at 174.8 and bf% dropped too. Thanks for your help guys

    That's awesome!


    That 174 was luck. I gained it back plus some. Now I'm at 183. Since I started CNS in February, I only lost 12 lbs and 2% bf? I see everybody having great results. I'm starting to get really upset. I bumped up my macros 165-170 fat, 140 protein and still around 10-12 carbs. I even cut down my workouts to see if I was working my body too hard. This is the stall from hell.



    hey man,i'm by no means an expert, since i've just started carb night, but have experimented with other various diets, so take this just as a suggestion:to me, it looks now like you are eating too much fat and too little protein: i'd eat at least 1g/pound of bodyweight in order to preserve the muscles - you can go as high as 200g (my guess is that if you still eat enough fat (100-120g) there shouldn't be any protein conversion to carbs, for fuel) and i'd reduce the fat a littleĀ  - for you to gain weight, it means that overall you are eating too much. maybe you should clean up a little your carb nights too? try not to eat the carbs with fat?maybe someone with more experience will chime in, but i resonated with your situation and wanted to try and help. proceed with caution.



    I'm going to completely disagree. It takes a very little amount of protein to maintain muscle mass.What I'm seeing is that you went directly from ~1600kcal to ~2000kcal (which still may not be high enough) and expected immediate progress. How long were you at 1600 kcal? Your metabolism takes time to up/down regulate.Generally when people are undereating and they increase intake, there is a period of stagnancy, or even gain, before progress begins again. This is because your metabolism is moving slower than the amount of food you're taking in. You have to give your metabolism to adjust up to the new intake. This is why it's generally recommended to not fluctuate your daily caloric load by more than 250-500ish at a time. Give it a few weeks at this level of intake and see what happens.



    I'm going to completely disagree. It takes a very little amount of protein to maintain muscle mass.

    You are 100% correct. research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association produced a report by the Board of the Institute of Medicine to determine optimal intake of the macronutrients protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Regarding protein intake, they determined the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for those 18 years of age and older was 0.8 g of protein per kilogram body weight per day. In plain English, this means .36 grams per pound of body weight.Science ftw.

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Should I switch from CNS to CBL

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