six star brands

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    I generally buy these because they are cheap but was wondering if anyone else has used them. I have the creatine (it has sugar added to it) and the bcaa mix which has the leucine in it, the bcaa's are in pill form mind you. I mix 1 scoop of the creatine with whey isolate and ON casein for my pwo shake and take the bcaa's with that. It has 41 grams of carbs in it mainly from dextrose.



    I've tried it, and it seemed OK, but I got it at Walmart and I'm very hesitant to recommend anything from Walmart!Also, I've heard they're owned by the same company as MuscleTech, which sounds good, but it makes me wonder how they cut quality enough to get down to Walmart prices.


    Six star is Muscle-Tech, which is also Muscle Asylum



    yeah its going to be stock up time on supplements here in a lil bit, I may try to get the D and H formulas from protein factory but I know I am going to get raped on shipping as I am in Canada. Its a shame that we get hit so hard when stuff crosses the border. UPS/fedex charges a rape charge of 35 bucks for stuff coming across the border on top of shipping, not sure if protein factory has a deal with them to save me that costly fee. I know ordering stuff of ebay is brutal.



    Maybe you can save some yourself some of your strange foreign currency.  I hear blend D might be obsolete.



    lol, blend D obsolete? hmm is this by kiefer's doing or just something that you happened to hear, would be interested to hear naomi's opinion on this.



    lol, blend D obsolete? hmm is this by kiefer's doing or just something that you happened to hear, would be interested to hear naomi's opinion on this.

    Well just check this out

    Hrm.  Well I just listened to Kiefer's interview with Sean Hyson (it's going to be posted on Sean Hyson's weblog in the very near future -- possibly this weekend or Monday), and I have to say I have become confused about what makes an appropriate protein blend for Carb Back-Loading.E.g. Kiefer calls Blend D "homeless", like it doesn't really fit anywhere in his diets anymore.  Hrm.We'll have to get Kiefer to open up some more about this topic.



    interesting I will have to keep myself up to date on this.


    Naomi Most

    Yep. Just passing along some hearsay. Commence freaking out about it.  🙂



    lol let the freak out ensue, I will always keep an open ear for what Kiefer has to say, for the first time in months I am seeing results because of his methods.



    I used to stay away from the old version of six star cause it was sweetened with aspartame, but they changed to sucralose in the new “version” or packaging. That's nice to see.



    Yes Six Star does use sucralose in their products, but they also use accesulfame-potassium,  not sure if all their products  contain it  but the whey isolates an whey protein have it in them.    Ive been using the whey isolates for about a month and a half  with 10g of creatine and havent lost any definition, i even gained a bit.  Ive been doing carb nite for 5 months now(preventing muscle loss is a big deal)



    I like Six Star. Seems to work pretty well for a fraction of the price.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yes Six Star does use sucralose in their products, but they also use accesulfame-potassium

    Acesulfame-potassium is always paired with sucrose to my knowledge.  From what I understand, acesulfame-potassium isn't really added in to sweeten (that's sucralose's job), but rather to balance out the strange aftertaste that sucralose adds.Anyways I  have been using a protein powder that has accesulfame-potassium and I havn't seen any issues.  I'm not really sold that it is something that needs to be concerned about for a few reasons:

    • The studies Kiefer cites say that raise a glucose induced insulin release (not a protein induced insulin release).  While there are a small amount of carbs in protein powder they would have to be converted to glucose.  There may be some glucose in the protein powder, but how much?  We don't know.
    • Those studies are done in vitro, on rats.  Not only was it not done on humans, but the rats didn't even absorb the Accesulfame-potassium/glucose via the stomach.  I'm not questioning the efficacy of drawing conclusions on how the human body deals with something from in vitro studies on rats, but common sense tells me it is not as good as a method as a study on humans.
    • I found this study:  The link I posted is from the International Sweetners Association but it was actually done by the August Bier European Society for Ecology and Medicine.  Lord knows who funds this group so remain skeptical, but this study was done with human subjects receiving oral doses of solutions of artificial sweetners , sucrose (table sugar), and water.  The doses of sweetners are what would be in a normal sugar-free drink.  The  Accesulfame-potassium dose was 165 mg (sweetness equivalent of about 30 g of sugar).  The sucrose solution naturally led to an increase in insulin levels, but all artificial sweetner solutions, including Accesulfame-potassium  had no difference in insulin levels to that of just water.  It would be best to play it safe and not get protein powders with Acesulfame-potassium in it, but I am not willing to pay extra to for Accesulfame-potassium-free protein to eliminate a risk that I think is minimal.  if you are on a budget or if this is the only protein you have access to don't sweat it.If you have any info that helps or counters my view please share  🙂



    In my experience, Six star products are not cheaper when you compare gram for gram whatever nutrient you are after.  You are just buying smaller tubs with less/smaller servings of an inferior product.  I would not buy six star unless I need it now and dont have time to drive across town to the vitamin shoppe or wait for mail order.

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six star brands

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