Skipping Prep Phase and No Energy and Focus

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    I have posted different topics on the forum on lack of energy and I have received helpful comments from members.  I am SORRY to bother members again!  I am eating large amounts of bison ground beef, fatty salmon and sardines, coconut oil, MCT Oil, grass-fed butter, and eggs during the “Ultra Low Carb” part of the day but I am still lacking energy and have problems functioning during the “Ultra Low Carb” part of the day.  I have been able to gain some fat from the fats so my body may be storing it and not using it for energy.  My Brief History for Members Unaware of Me:I am a male, age: 42, 5’9”, 128 lbs, BF possibly 4 to 7%, Very Active All Day, and High Metabolism.  I am wanting to gain muscle and fat.  Before CBL, I ate a high protein 260g, low carb 90g (from low glycemic carbs for breakfast and luch), and low fat 50g diet for approx. 2 years. I purchased the CBL ebook late Nov 2012.  From the ebook, “For those implementing the Density Bulk protocol or with a body fat level already at or below the 10% level, the preparationprocedure in this chapter is optional.”  So, I skipped the prep phase because I want to gain weight.  From the CBL ebook, “Fuel Reorientation (days 7 – 10) The brain fails to use the ketones at first because, like glucose, ketones require special transporters to cross what’s known as the blood-brain barrier5. Without prior exposure to an ultra-low carb plan, there’s a good chance the brain hasn’t used ketones since infancy. The end of the mental lethargy from the last segment marks the beginning of this stage. By the end of this phase, the body has adapted to life without arbohydrates.” And “NOTE: Ketones are a high-efficiency fuel for muscle and nervous tissue in times of glucose depletion or situations when the body can't get glucose where it's needed fast enough8. The body produces ketones from fatty acids or amino-acidsand although ketones burn efficiently, production is metabolically inefficient9, i.e. making ketones wastes a lot of energy. Most health experts believe that ketone production is dangerous, but production occurs during exercise and first thing in the morning before eating.”From the CBL ebook, “Carb Back-Loading helps maintain glycogen levels for the next day’s training.”I really do not want to go through the Prep Phase because I cannot lose any more weight.  Due to my low body fat, maybe my body is storing the fat instead using it for energy.  Has anyone else skipped the prep phase and been able to use fats without carbs for energy during the ULC part of the day?Please help with any advice?


    Richard Schmitt

    Storm, with the issue of your high metabolism and not wanting to skip the prep phase, I'd say you're fine to skip it. We want you to succeed sir, so 1) you're not bothering anyone and 2) you're active just keep the carbs PWO or at night and you'll be good to go! Best of luck



    I stop eating at night around 11:00pm then I wake up at 6:00am.  I have tried to fast for 12 hours but I can barely move and think.  I finally have to eat breakfast upon waking at 6:00am and I am no longer hungry but still no energy and focus until I backload at night. I have also tried a.m. fasted training with post workout carbs.  I have some energy and focus from the post workout carbs.  But once my body burns up the post workout carbs, I start to crash again even with a fat and protein breakfast/lunch after a.m. fasted training.I want to continue with CBL but I need something to change.  I have a wife and two older children and this is effecting them.  Luckily, I am a stay at home father so I do not have to leave my house.  I barely have energy and focus during the day to go to the store or pick my kids up from school.I am just wondering if my body is not "fat adapted" even though I ate a low carb diet for two years but never under 30g of carbs during the day until CBL.Please help!


    Richard Schmitt

    Eat. That's the main point is to eat. Don't worry about the fast if it affecting you badly. When you wake have a nice AM Shake if you wanted. Then a decent meal later too. Just base any kind of rich carb meal at night and you'll be fine sir. Just be sure to eat.



    Eat. That's the main point is to eat. Don't worry about the fast if it affecting you badly. When you wake have a nice AM Shake if you wanted. Then a decent meal later too. Just base any kind of rich carb meal at night and you'll be fine sir. Just be sure to eat.

    Well put.  Storm, what are your macros looking like nowadays?



    During ULC:Protein: From 60g to 150gFat: 80 to 120gTraining:Intra Workout Shake which includes carbs from CarbonXBackloading:Protein: From 100g to 140gFat: 10 to 60gCarbs: 100 to 180gNot sure on calorie count.Some days I am so stuffed from eating so much protein and fat and still lack of energy and focus during the ULC to force more protein and fat into my stomach before training.  I have vomited several times during training from still having too much undigested fat and protein in my stomach.  The only way that I get through training is from intra shake carbs and caffeine.I keep researching the internet and read about being "fat adapted" for energy from fats. 



    During ULC:Protein: From 60g to 150gFat: 80 to 120gTraining:Intra Workout Shake which includes carbs from CarbonXBackloading:Protein: From 100g to 140gFat: 10 to 60gCarbs: 100 to 180gNot sure on calorie count.Some days I am so stuffed from eating so much protein and fat and still lack of energy and focus during the ULC to force more protein and fat into my stomach before training.  I have vomited several times during training from still having too much undigested fat and protein in my stomach.  The only way that I get through training is from intra shake carbs and caffeine.I keep researching the internet and read about being "fat adapted" for energy from fats.

    I'm at a loss, to be honest.  You're definitely eating enough, maybe even too much if you're still having problems keeping the ULC down.  Have you always been that skinny/thin?  It almost seems like you have a raging metabolism.The only other thing I could suggest is trying to train in the morning and then eating afterwards so that you don't have the vomiting problem?When people have trouble getting food in, carb powders like dextrose are a good way to go, but the problem with fat adapting won't be fixed that way.  What's your sleep schedule look like?



    When I was in college, I lifted a lot and weighed 205lbs.  In my mid 30's, I weighed 165lbs because I reduced my lifting due to work and my wife and I having two babies.  In my late 30's, I was injuried and had a major surgery.  I lost a lot of weight and weighed 130lbs.  Now, I am in my early 40's.  I have always had a high metabolism.  I have tried the a.m. fasted training but it increases fat loss.  So I felt worse through out the day even when I ate more fat and protein.  Athough the carbs from the a.m. fasted training post workout gave me a small amount of energy but it did not last.I do not sleep very well.  I have tried different mixtures of magnesium, GABA, 5-HTP, L-Theanine, Taurine, and other supplements with very little help.  GABA works the best but then I am more tired through out the morning. 



    Perhaps some of your exhaustion stems from poor sleep rather than just fat use?If you want to gain weight and just can't do so, I'd say try adding a ton of dextrose to your PWO shake.  It sounds like you do a lot better with food after your workout as opposed to before.

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Skipping Prep Phase and No Energy and Focus

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