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    I overheard some guys at the gym today talking/arguing about the importance of sleep. One guy said he only gets 5-6 hours of sleep while the other gets 8-10. As for me I'm around 6-8 sometimes less sometimes more and I have never noticed better results from 6 or more hours.Just thought I'd get y'all's thoughts on it and what you usually get for sleep. So how much sleep do you get?


    Richard Schmitt

    I like to get anywhere between 7-8 hours, some nights I go past or less than that. I think it's also how physically tired you are based upon how much you sleep. Me I want and need at least 8.



    I have always felt I needed 9 solid hours of sleep to be my best the next day. I would do “ok” on 8, not very good on 7, and don't even talk to me if I only got 6 hours. Sleep is very precious to me, and I am definitely not a night owl and I don't like to party, probably because I feel I'm sacrificing my treasured sleep, lol!This doesn't seem to change with either a heavy lifting day, or a slow rest day. Either way, if I don't get at "least" 8, I'm not a happy camper.I also recently ran across an short article on how ladies need more sleep than gentlemen do and its largely part to multitasking? Intriguing article, and although I do need more sleep than the hubby, I'm not entirely sold on it.



    I definitely notice a decrease in function if I'm less than like 7.5 hours. Not necessarily physical function, but definitely mentally, or with fine motor skills, etc.Regardless of the people that say they operate great off 5 hours, or whatever, science says they're wrong.


    It does have some hormonal effects when chronic.Most people need probably around 6-7.5 hours, but that doesn't all need to be at once depending on how you do it.However sleep debt is hard to make up if you let it get deep.



    For the last month I have been getting 6.5-7. It's weird because I'm not waking up by an alarm clock I just wake up around 6 antsy to go to the gym. Lately I have been on a gym high and I have been so excited to go, like a newb that saw his first results. Anyway, I feel like I'm performing and functioning just as well as the previous 9 I was on.


    For the last month I have been getting 6.5-7. It's weird because I'm not waking up by an alarm clock I just wake up around 6 antsy to go to the gym. Lately I have been on a gym high and I have been so excited to go, like a newb that saw his first results. Anyway, I feel like I'm performing and functioning just as well as the previous 9 I was on.

    It sounds like you are waking up properly at the end of your sleep cycle.


    Brandon D Christ

    Sleep is extremely important and I think everyone should sleep at least 8 hours per night, but in our modern society, sometimes that isn't possible.  If you are sedentary I'd say you need at least 6, but most people who train need to sleep at least 7.  If you train very hard, frequently, and with a lot of volume (like myself), you need at least 8.  If I don't get 8 hours for more than two nights in a row, my strength and general energy levels go down the shitter for almost a whole week.



    I wonder how I can get my body to sleep longer lmao. My room is pitch black, but like I said I just wake up excited to go hit the weights, and can't go back to sleep


    Brandon D Christ

    I wonder how I can get my body to sleep longer lmao. My room is pitch black, but like I said I just wake up excited to go hit the weights, and can't go back to sleep

    If you aren't tired, I just wouldn't worry about it.  Unless you are caffeinating yourself the whole day.



    I do have a bang around 1-2 but none after that besides pre workout.


    Tracy Jarchow

    Here is something that I learned years ago that might help some. We all sleep in ~90 minute cycles. Have you ever woken up and been in a fog? Have you ever woken up and felt great? Many times the difference is because of waking up near the end or in the middle of your natural sleep cycle.The second part is to sleep in as blacked out of a room as possible. Any light from any source messes with your minds ability to rest.I try and sleep either 7:30 or 9:00 hours in a totally blacked out room. If you must get up to an alarm clock try to time your bedtime and add 20 or 30 minutes to either of the above times to fall asleep. Another simple option these days is to use one of many sleep cycle alarm clocks. If you don't wake up to an alarm you will naturally wake up at the end of one of the ~90 minute cycles. It's a fun self experiment that can make sleeping much more efficient and fulfilling which in turn can help intensify your daily workouts from being more rested. Nothing to lose, try it.


    Brandon D Christ

    I do have a bang around 1-2 but none after that besides pre workout.

    What is a bang?



    It's by VPX it's BCAA's, glutamine, and caffeine! They have two flavors champagne cola and lemon drop, they taste like sprite and coke. Freaking amazing, Sucralose is the sweetener used too.



    I feel my best on 5-7 hours sleep but every 4 or so days I need to sleep for 10-12 hours to keep it up.

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