Hi all, I have been on HRT for a while now, but my doc moved me to injectables about 2 months ago. I've been on CNS for about 5 or 6 weeks and can see some difference in the mirror. Of course, there is never enough, right? I have lost 2 pounds of body weight in this time, but have definitely added muscle mass.I learned that the amount of test I was taking was actually 2x as much as prescribed. It really was by accident, the pharmacist told me to take 75cc, not 75g. My levels are pretty high now that I am getting 150g/week (free test at about 1200). I'm sure we are going to change things around at tomorrow's appointment - oh well. But, I've been wondering, since test is good at adding weight, protein synthesis, and even putting water into tissue, could weight loss be slowed by test as well? Maybe my gut is now just fat cells full of water? Never went on gear for training purposes, so I don't know anything really about test and tissue. Tilden