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  • #11771

    It's a stupid post and I might get a lot of flame posting this, but I smoke, about 6-8 sticks a day, and I'm doing CNS at the moment. What would be the effect from a high fat diet in this case? I have a feeling the negative effects of smoking would be amplified?


    Nicotine with an Ultra low carb diet will probably enhance fat loss. Nicotine with carbs causes some metabolic issues and you can't handle carbs as well.


    Brandon D Christ

    It probably doesn't matter with CNS.


    Wow… Wasn't expecting this answer. In smoking, I suppose the tar is the problem and not the nicotine.


    Brandon D Christ

    Wow... Wasn't expecting this answer. In smoking, I suppose the tar is the problem and not the nicotine.

    You'd be correct, in of itself, nicotine isn't particularly bad.  I liken to caffeine, it has positive and negative effects.However, tar is very, very bad.  That is what destroys your lungs and throat.


    Wow... Wasn't expecting this answer. In smoking, I suppose the tar is the problem and not the nicotine.

    Obviously it's not healthy, but it wont effect the diet's effectiveness.



    Wow... Wasn't expecting this answer. In smoking, I suppose the tar is the problem and not the nicotine.

    Tar, all the other chemicals in the tobacco and the fact your filling your lungs with smoke. To my understanding, the only problem with nicotine is that it's addictive and if you already have cancer, it'll accelerate it since it actives the TOR pathways (not 100% sure on the science behind that last statement).All that said, it hasn't stopped me from smoking 😛


    Tracy Jarchow

    My suggestion would be to turn the smoking into something positive through this protocol.



    Vapor is your friend. Get your fix without the tar.


    Vapor is your friend. Get your fix without the tar.

    Yea, was thinking of getting into vaping but I have no idea where's the best place to start. Too many heebie jeebies on the internet!



    Vapor is your friend. Get your fix without the tar.

    Yea, was thinking of getting into vaping but I have no idea where's the best place to start. Too many heebie jeebies on the internet! JOEYSCHURCH for 20% off.


    Vapor is your friend. Get your fix without the tar.

    Yea, was thinking of getting into vaping but I have no idea where's the best place to start. Too many heebie jeebies on the internet! JOEYSCHURCH for 20% off.

    You are awesome.



    Vapor is your friend. Get your fix without the tar.

    Doesn't look as cool though.



    Vapor is your friend. Get your fix without the tar.

    Doesn't look as cool though.

    Morons smoke to be cool. Vaping also doesn't leave you smelling like shit either.



    Vapor is your friend. Get your fix without the tar.

    Doesn't look as cool though.

    Morons smoke to be cool. Vaping also doesn't leave you smelling like shit either.

    It was joke, bro. Never really got the smoking to be cool thing. I started purely out of stress.

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