Snap a pic of your gym!

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    Alright, so I've finally got around to doing this. I'd love to have others participate and snap a pic of their home, box, commercial, outdoor, or globo-gym.Extra points for if you can take a picture of your gym without having your membership revoked!


    Igor Vidovic

    This is at your house?

    training log



    This is at your house?

    +1I was happy with my home gym till I saw this ????



    Yes! Well technically it's in my parent's garage but I have 24-hour access 😀 When I have my own home I plan on getting a sturdier power rack and a separate bench.Most of these things were accumulated over time (some of the bands I've had for 5+ years) and the rack and bars were purchased about 6 months ago. We had a bunch of standard equipment before but I was able to sell it all and upgrade to Olympic equipment which was pretty awesome. Absent from the photo is a safety squat bar, chains, farmers handles, and my Prowler is hiding somewhere...Honestly, the problem with having a lot of stuff is I always want to use everything and it's hard for me to focus on a single program/lift because I'm constantly bouncing around. My gift is my curse!


    Soho gym in London!IMAG1012.jpgIMAG1011.jpgGood space, good selection of equipment and if you choose the time you train well (...that fits in perfectly with CBL funnily enough), then not too busy!



    That looks like an awesome gym, specifically because it isn't too cramped or crowded.


    Igor Vidovic

    Benjamin sir I ENVY you!!!!!! I hope my gym is half as nice once I switch over to training at my house

    training log



    Benjamin sir I ENVY you!!!!!! I hope my gym is half as nice once I switch over to training at my house

    Thanks brother. I was actually pretty lucky in finding equipment at a decent price. Because I live in Canada, shipping from any major US supplier is insanely expensive so I had to keep my eyes open and scour the vast expanses of the internet to find the things I wanted. Luckily I was able to find some Canadian suppliers and US suppliers with outlets in Canada with surprisingly inexpensive equipment.



    I should have snapped photos of the squat rack area the last two times I was there.  Jack-asses doing curls both times.  😛A new 24 hour gym opens tomorrow.  will snap pic 🙂  My home equipment is crap.


    That looks like an awesome gym, specifically because it isn't too cramped or crowded.

    LOL, that's because that photo was taken at 6am!  I think I took that during the winter as well, so it's definitely more dead.  Now summer is here it's a bit busier in the mornings, and if I started snapping I'd get some odd looks.



    That looks like an awesome gym, specifically because it isn't too cramped or crowded.

    LOL, that's because that photo was taken at 6am!  I think I took that during the winter as well, so it's definitely more dead.  Now summer is here it's a bit busier in the mornings, and if I started snapping I'd get some odd looks.

    I meant more in terms of the equipment being spaced out and you don't have to make yourself as small as possible to squeeze in between equipment. The gym at my school has the benches so close together that if the guy behind you is doing a set, his spotter's ass is practically on your face. It's the opposite of awesome.



    I should have snapped photos of the squat rack area the last two times I was there.  Jack-asses doing curls both times.  😛

    One may only hope you would've put on your happiest face and said "Smile, motherfuckers!" before you clicked that shit in their faces with the brightest flash possible. 


    I should have snapped photos of the squat rack area the last two times I was there.  Jack-asses doing curls both times.  😛A new 24 hour gym opens tomorrow.  will snap pic 🙂  My home equipment is crap.

    God, don't get me started on "Rack Curls", as I've heard them called.  $h1t pisses me off more than most $h1t I am appauled by in gyms.One such @$$hole referred to the rack as the "Curl Rack", and asked to work in -- I WAS DOING SQUATS!  I asked him to go use the pre-set Barbells off to the side.  He looked at me blankly.There was no way he was curling (correctly) over 100 lbs., anyway.He eventually f--ked off on the chicken-legs he walked over with.Cory


    That looks like an awesome gym, specifically because it isn't too cramped or crowded.

    LOL, that's because that photo was taken at 6am!  I think I took that during the winter as well, so it's definitely more dead.  Now summer is here it's a bit busier in the mornings, and if I started snapping I'd get some odd looks.

    I meant more in terms of the equipment being spaced out and you don't have to make yourself as small as possible to squeeze in between equipment. The gym at my school has the benches so close together that if the guy behind you is doing a set, his spotter's ass is practically on your face. It's the opposite of awesome.

    LOL, sorry dude, misunderstood what you meant.  I appreciate the space even more after having gone back to my old gym while visiting home, and almost taking a guy out with a barbell while shoulder pressing!



    Soho gym in London!IMAG1012.jpgIMAG1011.jpgGood space, good selection of equipment and if you choose the time you train well (...that fits in perfectly with CBL funnily enough), then not too busy!

    I've been there! I think there's a chance we might live quite near each other

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Snap a pic of your gym!

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