SO Frustrated!!! Gaining….

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    So, not exactly sure how much I have gained because I refuse to get on the scale, but today, I officially look like shit. I've been following carb nite since May with not much in the way of fat loss results (if there has been anything, it's no different that what I previously experienced in several years of being keto). During this time, I've also taken two breaks in which I did a controlled CBL, once for 2 weeks and once for 3. I quit smoking 16 days ago - have been super vigilant on my food intake, and nothing has changed. Carbs are usually around 10 total, 15 tops. Calories are kind of high (2400-2800), but that's nothing new since quitting smoking. Training is 4 days, 5/3/1 (deload week right now), and 3 days of hiit also.Carb nites have been good, and I don't wake up looking bloated or anything, but not much leaner either. Huge recent issue, haven't been "regular", and have pretty much only been going after carbnite (maybe the 2 days after)...So in a constant state of "food baby", also, constantly retaining water!cheese is rare (actually just cream cheese maybe once a week), NO nuts, vegetable oils, processed meats (cold cuts), no gluten, hardly any veggies (occasional jalepeno peppers, or frozen onions & peppers for omeletts, and 2-3 time a week lettuce). Pants are kinda snug, which doesn't really suprise me too much cause I've been working on growing an ass for the past month, but up till I quit smoking, was enjoying everything being baggy and looking forward to moving into size 2's....My current plan is to have a carb nite as planned on Sunday, and move to the detox diet for 10 days (which following the recomended protein intake, takes me down to 1650 cals each day)From there, I was going to start CBL again as I started lifting at night and was looking forward to taking advantage, but now, I just dont know  🙁Anyway, 32, female, 5'4 and about a month ago I was 145HELP!!!



    Oh Cookie!  Our gorgeous Cookie!If it means anything to you, I asked Julia Ladewski on FAcebook what she thinks her average calorie intake is.  I was suprised to read about 1800-2300.  I would have though A LOT more given her PL career and her leanness.  She had a video on FB of her low carb lunch, and it was one smallish pork chop, some kale.  Don't know if this helps, but I am playing around with cycling my protein.  Which will in turn cycle calories. 



    I cannot offer any insight, I can only commiserate.  Since starting CNS, I carry around a 'food baby' as well…in a constant state of constipation until day after CN.  I was a vegetable-eating fool before CNS and I really miss those.I read in another thread that Big Tex suggested digestive enzymes...I may take a whirl with those and see if it helps.Cookie, you've come so far in your journey and I hate that you are frustrated!  You are my inspiration - still - and I hope you figure out what the culprit/culprits is that is making you stall.



    Thanks Cindy! Julia is super tiny though! I think she's 5'1, 130 (tops). Also, I know from experience, that at 1800 cals, I get so hungry, that I literally panic! This happened to me when I was on the detox diet a little over a month ago. I was frantic trying to figure out how to get some decent healthy and ULC food while I was at work….I am active everyday though, in the gym and during work and home time…which explains to me why I am hungry…I am starting to think thought that such high amounts of fat are not doing me any good



    Anyway, 32, female, 5'4 and about a month ago I was 145HELP!!!

    Ran the numbers, it seems that you have been eating around maintenance. Without BF % the closest I can get is someone with you stats should be eating around 1800-2400 to maintain depending on activity level, with sedentary being the low end and moderately active being the top end. also, it sounds like you were panicking about food choices, not caloric intake. Seems like you have been eating maintenance, combine with carb night overage, well.



    Hey Kat, THANK YOU! It always makes me SO happy to hear I have inspired or motivated someone! I am positive this has to do with me quitting smoking, I just need to figure out how to make the gaining stop and get back to losing. I feel like I've been playing around with 5 pounds of fat  (probably more now!) for FOREVER!!!! For all the effort I put in I should be where I want body composition wise. It's frustrating to go up, knowing just how difficult it was to go down 🙁



    Hi Zack – no carb nite overage here…I just had my first two carb nites where carbs were over 400 (but still under 550)…Thanks



    but what about fat and protein? if you were eating at maintenance, then ate at a day where you were over maintenance it explains whats happening. also, the number I caclcuated were for a male. The female numbers came out to 1650-2200



    Not sure I understand  :- – I am planning to keep it under 2k starting next week though and see what happens. I've been told it takes about 3 weeks to level out from quitting the butts, so hopefully that is true!!!fat has been higher than protein throughout the whole ULC portion of these diets....(without checking, I would say fat is about 70%, protein 28% and carbs 2%) or something very close.  I might try to lean that out a little and balance it more, which Julia L suggested to me back in the beginning. (buh bey bacon every day lol)



    The smoking is a confounding factor, true. I hear that people tend to be more hungry after they quit because no more nicotine to suppress appetite. That being said, that split looks fine, traditional keto, but calories are too high. I would suggest cutting fat as well. At least so it is equal with protein. But like i said, you could be over eating, but it would have helped to know you maintanence for sure. For example, on a mixed diet, i know i have a maintenance between 2800-3000 (at this much for two weeks, no movement on the scale) On a keto diet/high protein diet, this goes up a bit 2900-3100. again tested. Calories still matter. If food choices determined how we lost weight, I should have been able to prove it considering I am a healthy 18 year old male. Tl;Dr: manage caloric intake either by fat consumption.



    lol Zach! I haven't done a mixed diet EVER! Once upon a time, I was 255 LBS (so basically I ate whatever whenever). Then I happened upon the low carb lifestyle, and have stayed there for the past 110-115 pounds lost. Been about 7 years. It's possible that I am overeating, but I wasn't gaining prior to quitting smoking eating what I eat now. It was about 2 weeks before I quit (while running the detox diet) that I panicked from being hungry and not knowing what to do about it – I was between 1600-1700 cals a day for the purpose of the detox. I am WAY too active for that! Hopefully, next week running the detox, I can do fine on 2k – Gonna run the detox as a 10 day prep and start CBL'ing (lightly) because I have the feeling I am much to active for carb nite



    Also, As I am doing 5/3/1 right now, I think I will be CBL'ing for three weeks, then detox diet for 1 during the deload weeks of 5/3/1.



    If something doesn't work, change. Simply a suggestion. Good luck.



    Cookie,I absolutely here your Frustration here. I am extremely frustrated now because I was feel good for a while on this diet, but today I feel fat as all shit. Granted, I never smoked so I can not comment on that aspect, but I feel like I am ready to give up! I am the definition of the classic skinny-fat, which I absolutely hate. I feel down on myself all the time. Maybe I am eating too much food during the week that has caught up to me now? I have no idea what my matinence is at all. Is that the amount of calories that I should be eating on this diet? I have no idea. Maybe I need to cut back on my fat intake and eat more protein? I really dont work out much right now because I feel too depressed sometimes. Im actually pretty inactive. What do you think I should do?Suggestions?im 28 female about 131lbs. I workout maybe once or twice a week after carbnite with the Insanity program for HIIT.



    I feel sort of the same way.  If it's anything, I'm just impatient as hell.  I've made progress, and I've went down in weight then when back up. I'm definitely leaner and stronger – but it still “seems” slow.  I've tried tweaking the carb night program by watching and lowering calorie intake. I did this by lowering fat and increasing the length of my fasting window. Well, when I did this the headaches started coming back.  I finally figured out that I need to eat pure fat to keep the headaches at bay.Someone suggested that I may not be fully fat adapted, which is why I'm having problems. If i'm not under 30g I'm not doing carb nite.If there is one thing for sure, I've never been over 60g of carbs on this diet for the past 33 days.I also feel like giving up.but because I'm making progress, giving up is just being impatient.  I really feel that if I try to lower my calorie intake and start introducing cardio my performance will suffer. If I didn't care about my strength/muscle gain here is what I would do for weight loss:I would do 14-16 hour fasts.  Doing heavy lifting fasted, taking luciene/BCAA pre/post workout.  Do a post workout low carb meal with NO Protein shake.Twice a week I will do 2- 24 hour fasts.  I'd line them up so that they fit with my off days.I would start doing cardio again (currently I'm not doing any) hiit 3-4 days a weekKeep carb intake under 100g a day.That's what I'm thinking of doing.  In any case I'm giving carb nite another 30 days, but this time around I will be EVEN MORE NEUROTIC about my food tracking. I will also keep gluten to a minimum with carb nites.Anyways, I'm just sharing in with your frustration.

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SO Frustrated!!! Gaining….

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