So I tried alcohol for the first time last night….

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    5 glasses of scotch and a glass of vodka, straight. All in about an hour to an hour and a half. I wasn't even buzzed….Also, I now have a nickname: Captain America



    What did you eat around your drinking time? Did you bloat? anything notable regarding how you looked/felt (bloated, leaner, hungover, etc??) details please


    I've noticed since I've started CBL it's really hard for me to get drunk.Kind of disappointing when you plan to get out drunk and then feel fine when everyone else is smashed.If I drink mostly liquor I always seem to wake up leaner.With beer, I don't really feel any different then any other night, and when I let people buy drinks for me and end up with some mixed drinks I sometimes wake up a little bloated.I always sleep like a champ after drinking.Go to bed at 4am, wake up at 7am, work all day, hit a PR that night.



    What did you eat around your drinking time? Did you bloat? anything notable regarding how you looked/felt (bloated, leaner, hungover, etc??) details please

    Well I had stopped my backload about an hour before I took my first drink. Before that I had had cookies, white rice, ground beef and protein shake-y goodness. I had no bloating, I woke up this morning as lean as I was last night, I have no hangover (though again, I wasn't even buzzed last night). So most of this drinking was on a relatively empty stomach.


    Brandon D Christ

    I've noticed since I've started CBL it's really hard for me to get drunk.Kind of disappointing when you plan to get out drunk and then feel fine when everyone else is smashed.If I drink mostly liquor I always seem to wake up leaner.With beer, I don't really feel any different then any other night, and when I let people buy drinks for me and end up with some mixed drinks I sometimes wake up a little bloated.I always sleep like a champ after drinking.Go to bed at 4am, wake up at 7am, work all day, hit a PR that night.

    Kiefer said alchohol can actually kick some people into ketosis.  I am the same way actually, but I feel aweful when I drink.  I think some of it may be in my head, but I hope I can get back in to drinking.


    Damon Amato

    I've noticed since I've started CBL it's really hard for me to get drunk.Kind of disappointing when you plan to get out drunk and then feel fine when everyone else is smashed.If I drink mostly liquor I always seem to wake up leaner.With beer, I don't really feel any different then any other night, and when I let people buy drinks for me and end up with some mixed drinks I sometimes wake up a little bloated.I always sleep like a champ after drinking.Go to bed at 4am, wake up at 7am, work all day, hit a PR that night.

    Omg I hate you. If I drink I wake up about 5% bf fatter.


    Luis S.

    I've noticed since I've started CBL it's really hard for me to get drunk.Kind of disappointing when you plan to get out drunk and then feel fine when everyone else is smashed.If I drink mostly liquor I always seem to wake up leaner.With beer, I don't really feel any different then any other night, and when I let people buy drinks for me and end up with some mixed drinks I sometimes wake up a little bloated.I always sleep like a champ after drinking.Go to bed at 4am, wake up at 7am, work all day, hit a PR that night.

    Omg I hate you. If I drink I wake up about 5% bf fatter.

    To me it deppends what i drink. Beer i wake up leaner. Mixed bullshit, wake up like a fat ass.



    huh. I had a vodka and soda water today…I NEVER drink (at the most, 3 times a year, that was the first time this year). Was a ULC day…see how I feel in the AM. probably wasn't enough to affect anything though. I also ate WELL over maint. and despite of that, tummy still feels flat. Actually came home from all the eating and realized that Fat 30 grams below protein, and made my self a fatty “hot chocolate” and STILL feel flat. Amazingly, like I could also eat more if I wanted to (which is ridiculous – where the hell did it all go today?) We'll see tomorrow...



    I haven't really binged on CBL, but when I did drink, I woke up lean the next morning.  I assume it was because I was dehydrated.  After a 3rd night in a row of a few beers, I finally was up a few pounds.  If I could fit alcohol into CBL, that would be perfect.



    but I feel aweful when I drink. 

    I take one NOW NAC pill before, one NAC pill and one OP Nutrition B Vitamin at the end of the night, and one NAC and one B in the am. It works like a champ!Some of my strongest Keto Sticks have been after a night of drinking, a morning of HIIT, and by the afternoon I am in the darkest range. But too much, maybe not too much, too often screws everything up for me and have to reset. For example, next week I will be in Napa for a few days and then Raiders game for the weekend with some college friends. That is too many days back to back for me. When I return, I will have to do a 10 day reset.



    but I feel aweful when I drink. 

    I take one NOW NAC pill before, one NAC pill and one OP Nutrition B Vitamin at the end of the night, and one NAC and one B in the am. It works like a champ!Some of my strongest Keto Sticks have been after a night of drinking, a morning of HIIT, and by the afternoon I am in the darkest range. But too much, maybe not too much, too often screws everything up for me and have to reset. For example, next week I will be in Napa for a few days and then Raiders game for the weekend with some college friends. That is too many days back to back for me. When I return, I will have to do a 10 day reset.

    How exactly do you measure or identify a strong ketogenic state?  I'm new to this type of thing, so I'm not quite familiar with the biological signs.Similar to you, I will be drinking a pretty good amount this weekend(a few beers for a softball game and then tailgating tomorrow for the Eagles game).  I'm trying to decide whether this will be enough to require another prep phase.  I'm thinking of just limiting calories to the amount of protein I need other than the alcohol and seeing where I stand the morning after.



    I use Keto Sticks.I can usually tell within two days after drinking if I need to reset or not. Either I wake up on day three and am tight or I do a ten day reset.


    Would most of you say that anecdotally, having one night of drinking say, spirits, wasnt too bad on your fatloss goals?Im dying to go out and drink as that's all people do around here. Just once a week would be nice.. It is affecting my social life substantially.


    Would most of you say that anecdotally, having one night of drinking say, spirits, wasnt too bad on your fatloss goals?Im dying to go out and drink as that's all people do around here. Just once a week would be nice.. It is affecting my social life substantially.

    For me, providing I avoid mixed drinks and don't go to crazy with beer, when I stick to liquor I'd say it helps my fat loss goals. I always wake up leaner then the day before when I drink like that.


    Would most of you say that anecdotally, having one night of drinking say, spirits, wasnt too bad on your fatloss goals?Im dying to go out and drink as that's all people do around here. Just once a week would be nice.. It is affecting my social life substantially.

    For me, providing I avoid mixed drinks and don't go to crazy with beer, when I stick to liquor I'd say it helps my fat loss goals. I always wake up leaner then the day before when I drink like that.

    Ive read that could be dehydration. Id find it HARD to believe that alcohol would in itself burn fat  😛Ive been reading a lot on it and it seems the best thing to do is to drink only red wine or spirits and to accomodate the alcohol calories by being in a defecit whilst you drink. Also drink only on ULC days and keep your fat ratios lower than protein. Martin berkhan has an article on it. I have not yet been game to try however. Keen to give it a go soon.

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So I tried alcohol for the first time last night….

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