So my isolate has ace-k in it.

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    I did the prep phase and I've been enjoying being able to eat carbs at night. I did notice a drop in weight and I feel like everything went good, but since I was ingesting  ace-k with my protein, do I need to re-do prep phase and start over?I would do a quarter scoop of protein isolate which was roughly 10 grams of protein, plus 5 grams of creatine, and tablespoon of coconut oil for my coffee twice a day and just the protein and creatine before meals. Pretty mad at myself  >:(As "simple" as CBL appears to be, its the most complicated thing I've ever tried.


    i don't think so, you'll be fine.  the whole point of the prep phase is to get your body accustomed to ketones in stead of glucose.  Ace-k can possibly spike insulin, but that will just blunt fat burning a little, it won't keep your body from getting used to ketones.



    A) Whey spikes insulin anywayB) It's fine for ULC so long as you're only taking it post workout


    Richard Schmitt

    A) Whey spikes insulin anywayB) It's fine for ULC so long as you're only taking it post workout

    Ah yuuuuup! +1 If you need to up your protein take between 10-24g before bed. Just be sure it's within your 12 hour fast.



    @BigTex So, if you have protein before bed, is that the beginning of your 12 h fast, or can it be done during the fast?


    Richard Schmitt

    @BigTex So, if you have protein before bed, is that the beginning of your 12 h fast, or can it be done during the fast?

    It begins my 12 hour fast. definitely not during. I like my coffee around 8-9am each morning because that means I can have my lunch around noon. So I have my shake around 7:30-8pm and get to bed by 9:30ish. I have to get up at 5-6am each for the brothers...



    @BigTex Oh okay, cool. Thanks


    Richard Schmitt

    @BigTex Oh okay, cool. Thanks


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So my isolate has ace-k in it.

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