So what happened to Naomi….just asking

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    Has she gone?  Why is she no longer “kicker of Kiefer's butt”?




    Shame…Interesting to see how things develop, it does seem a little chaotic around here at the moment....LatersReachy



    Shame...Interesting to see how things develop, it does seem a little chaotic around here at the moment....LatersReachy

    I couldn't disagree more.



    Fair enough, but there is little consistency in the podcasting at the moment and that is my main interaction with DH (other than the odd trip into the forum).  Difficult to know whether those issues are Peri-DH Naomi or post-DH Naomi but I'm sure we'll soon see.    I have to say (and I hope this is taken as constructive criticism), what comes across is amateurishness and a sense that there is an attempt at running prior to walking going on. This is somewhat reinforced I'm afraid by the poor editing of CBL 1.0, which for the price should have been 'textbook' in its preciseness.  The content on the other hand is peerless.I am just a massive Kiefer & DH fan, CBLer and just hope that things get 'pulled off'!Please don't hurt me...Reachy



    Just finished podcast 14 and it was very informative (when I could hear it), espec. about 'the situation'.  I have to say, I did detect an edge when Naomi was on previous podcasts, she was almost prickly, and Kiefer alluded to that….Anyways, onwards and upwards, lets hope things get sorted out, and everything is hunky dory!Respec' 


    Shane Layton

    I have to say (and I hope this is taken as constructive criticism), what comes across is amateurishness and a sense that there is an attempt at running prior to walking going on. This is somewhat reinforced I'm afraid by the poor editing of CBL 1.0, which for the price should have been 'textbook' in its preciseness.  The content on the other hand is peerless.

    I agree with this 100%. If it weren't for the forum shedding light on critical points not made in the book (fat:protein probably being the most significant), I know myself, and certainly others, would not be doing the program correctly. I got the sense it was rushed to market without proper care. No one should take offense to this. The same could be said (and was said) about Windows Vista. It doesn't make Bill Gates, or Kiefer for that matter, any less innovative. Just a problem with integration.Now, however, the forum seems to be developing nicely, even moreso than when Naomi was moderator. And Kiefer's inputs have become invaluable.


    Naomi Most

    I have to say (and I hope this is taken as constructive criticism), what comes across is amateurishness and a sense that there is an attempt at running prior to walking going on. This is somewhat reinforced I'm afraid by the poor editing of CBL 1.0, which for the price should have been 'textbook' in its preciseness.  The content on the other hand is peerless.

    I agree with this 100%. If it weren't for the forum shedding light on critical points not made in the book (fat:protein probably being the most significant), I know myself, and certainly others, would not be doing the program correctly.

    I'll take that as a compliment, given that the forum exists because I put it here.  🙂



    Naomi, a big thanks for this forum. The fact that several people have been drafted to help fill the void since you left speaks for itself, but it seems things are slowly coming together.But the podcasts ain't the same without you. Good luck!  😉

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So what happened to Naomi….just asking

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