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  • #4244

    Would soda be bad to drink while backloading?



    As in regular soda? Probably not. I couldn't think of anything good that could come of drinking a glass of sugar. Diet soda can be used if it doesnt mess with your results.


    With regular soda, you could, but I wouldn't.It wont be satiating at all and could make it incredibly easy to over eat.



    +1 soda is one of my vices but many (if not all) have fructose corn syrup which you should avoid when you can.


    Brandon D Christ

    Would soda be bad to drink while backloading?

    If you can control yourself, I would say it is ok to have a glass, but I personally just stick to diet.  The reduced calorie Pepsi  (not completely diet) isn't bad.


    When I just want the feeling of soda, w/o the carbs or chemicals, I just go with Perrier sparkling water.  My office stocks that shit, so I gulp it down all day.  I am probably the primary reason the secretary is constantly making re-orders.Cory



    Yeah. I agree with Cory, sparkling water is wicked to crave the fizzy drink cravings. Chuck in some zero calorie squashes (sweetend with sucralose only) and you get a brilliant zero calorie drink. I still try and keep it to backloads only.


    Brandon D Christ

    What is a zero calorie squash?


    Richard Schmitt

    So the unsweetened carbonated water is ok to have then?


    So the unsweetened carbonated water is ok to have then?

    I wouldn't see why it would hurt.  Literally, the only ingredient is "carbonated mineral water".Let's put it this way.  5 days a week, 8.5 hours a day, I drink Perrier virtually non-stop.  My diet has not stalled.Cory



    i drink sprite occasionally


    Richard Schmitt

    So the unsweetened carbonated water is ok to have then?

    I wouldn't see why it would hurt.  Literally, the only ingredient is "carbonated mineral water".Let's put it this way.  5 days a week, 8.5 hours a day, I drink Perrier virtually non-stop.  My diet has not stalled.Cory

    Ah yeeeesssssss



    What is a zero calorie squash?

    Its that flavoured liquid you dilute with water. We call it squash here in the uk.

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