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    Gl;itch.e, what did you do for your backload cycles? Followed it every training day, like in the book, or?

    LOL even though I know this diet is used as an excuse to eat trashy foods, but that its not the only way, I did indeed eat quite a lot of junk. Still do! Backloads were usually around 500-600g of carbs. I would always eat rice, skittles and pineapple as meal one, then quite often have an entire chocolate mudcake and 1/4 of a 2 litre tub of ice cream. Of course this isnt counting a protein only shake PWO about 30 minutes before the first backload meal and the 400g of chicken with meal one + another protein shake with the last meal before bed.I was losing fat at the time and making sure to fast for atleast 12 hours each day, usually about 13 hours from 10pm to 11am. I did this on training nights only (so 4x a week) and the other days I ate ULC and about half the amount of calories. i.e 2000 vs 4000. Still making sure to get my protein in at about 1g per pound of bodyweight (or what I thought my bodyweight was, ended up losing more weight than I thought!) This way is a very slow recomp though. I went from 90kg to just below 82kg in about a year. I never felt like I was dieting and I maintained (and in some areas gained) strength and muscle, which was my main concern.



    Mon (OHP) - backloadTues (DL) - backloadWed (Bench) - backloadThurs (Squat) - ULCFri-Sun ULC

    If this is your proposed setup (why cant you spread days out more?) I would backload a little on sunday night.



    I believe that HackAttack has a lot of potential for muscle growth, and since he lifts heavy, using CBL he could see a pretty dramatic recomp.



    Well I don't have any problem with strength gains, I have made consistent progress with 5/3/1 on every lift in the way of strength. It is mainly just hypertrophy that eludes me, and that is probably because of lack of carbs. I would like to build muscle and lose fat with SA, but I guess I worry that I will gain no real muscle, and just slow my fat loss, though with my BF%, I may gain a good deal of muscle, I'm not sure. Also, I never went anywhere near even 300g of carbs on my SA backloads, and they were almost completely clean (I really don't have a problem keeping carbs clean, I just want a difference in my body, I don't really care what I eat to get there!) Usually it would be 175-222g of things like white rice or potatoes, and low-fat, high sugar treats if I had a sweet tooth thing going on. In regards to why I can't spread the days out more, it is because I am not really able to go to the gym on weekends as I am pretty busy with work. That being said, I MIGHT (and probably not every week) be able to swing a workout on Saturday, if it would make a difference. That was also one of the reasons I shied away from SA, because my training days are so close together for such a consecutive period of time.



    Before I did CBL I was doing some sort of paleo thing with enhanced recovery and I was taking 20g whey + 40g dextrose and that put muscle on me very fast! Shakes really work, and dextrose in combination with a shake like the ULC one Kiefer recommends pretty much tops everything. BTW, 5/3/1 isn't exactly geared toward hypertrophy, is it?



    Well I don't have any problem with strength gains, I have made consistent progress with 5/3/1 on every lift in the way of strength. It is mainly just hypertrophy that eludes me, and that is probably because of lack of carbs. I would like to build muscle and lose fat with SA, but I guess I worry that I will gain no real muscle, and just slow my fat loss, though with my BF%, I may gain a good deal of muscle, I'm not sure. Also, I never went anywhere near even 300g of carbs on my SA backloads, and they were almost completely clean (I really don't have a problem keeping carbs clean, I just want a difference in my body, I don't really care what I eat to get there!) Usually it would be 175-222g of things like white rice or potatoes, and low-fat, high sugar treats if I had a sweet tooth thing going on. In regards to why I can't spread the days out more, it is because I am not really able to go to the gym on weekends as I am pretty busy with work. That being said, I MIGHT (and probably not every week) be able to swing a workout on Saturday, if it would make a difference. That was also one of the reasons I shied away from SA, because my training days are so close together for such a consecutive period of time.

    You can grow on lower-moderate carb levels but you have to make sure that the energy is there one way or another. Plenty of Fat and Protein as well obviously. And training is definately a major factor. More reps and volume than the standard 5/3/1 will be required. Have you tried Wendlers boring but big variant? Thats more what youd need to use for muscle growth.



    5/3/1 is geared primarily towards strength, yeah, but hypertrophy from the program can be achieved with ease, since you are already doing higher rep assistance work to complement the main lifts of each day. I would just add a little bit to that, as I can take more volume than most even when 5/6 days depleted, and have never felt any overtraining-like effects. If I am running with full glycogen stores, my workouts are hard, heavy and I ALWAYS reach for bigger dumbbells than I did the previous week.



    I had completely forgotten about boring but big! Okay then, it is an easy switch from 5/3/1 to boring but big. I will probably at least maintain if not gain strength and get the hypertrophy I am looking for, and I can just tweak it to focus on my weak areas.



    Guys, don't quote me but….I think I can do this!  ;D Have I mentioned how wonderful you all are?



    Hmm...I sent you a PM, BigR. You really think I can do CBL SA with my high bf%?

    You're BF is a lot (A LOT) lower than mine and I'm giving CBL SA a go.There's a section in the book about Jason DeMayo, his BF was something like 20-21% when he did CBL and he had great results with it.



    You're BF is a lot (A LOT) lower than mine and I'm giving CBL SA a go.There's a section in the book about Jason DeMayo, his BF was something like 20-21% when he did CBL and he had great results with it.

    I'll go reread that now. If you guys think i can swing it and gain some muscle too, then I'm all in, since my only real inhibition was that I wouldn't put on much muscle and only slow the fat loss I was experiencing on CNS.

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