Some pictures

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    Hey everyone! I just thought I would post some pictures I took. CNS has done a great deal for me so far!Anyone want to take a guess as to what my BF% might be? First one is stomach out and unflexedsecond is stomach out and flexedthird is shoulders back, standing up straight and flexedThanks for being a great community! couldn't be where I am today without your support.-Kyle



    I'd guess around 20%



    I'd guess around 20%

    Probably closer to 15% but lacking the density of muscle to show through. Shallow abs etc.



    See, that's about what I was thinking. I never really did any real bulking before finding CBL/CNS, I just kind of flailed around eating whatever and working out whatever, so I didn't really come in with a ton of muscle. I do have some, and I am pretty damn depleted in these pics, but hopefully in a month or two I will be able to start packing on some mass



    See, that's about what I was thinking. I never really did any real bulking before finding CBL/CNS, I just kind of flailed around eating whatever and working out whatever, so I didn't really come in with a ton of muscle. I do have some, and I am pretty damn depleted in these pics, but hopefully in a month or two I will be able to start packing on some mass

    Just looking at you you have decent upper body genetics...  if you gained a solid 10-15 pounds via lats/back and shoulders youd look pretty big...  especially because you don't appear to have much in the love-handle area at 15-17% (my guess). 



    Well there ain't nobody who wouldn't feel better with 15 more pounds of lean mass, lol! It is kinda strange though, because even though I am sitting at about 175-180 right now and around 15% BF, I have a 30″ waist. Or at least my size 30 jeans are kinda loose on me lol. I've been on a 6 day cycle for a while with CNS, do you think I should move back to 7 with my BF%, or is 6 fine?



    Well there ain't nobody who wouldn't feel better with 15 more pounds of lean mass, lol! It is kinda strange though, because even though I am sitting at about 175-180 right now and around 15% BF, I have a 30" waist. Or at least my size 30 jeans are kinda loose on me lol. I've been on a 6 day cycle for a while with CNS, do you think I should move back to 7 with my BF%, or is 6 fine?

    Shit, if you are asking me i think you should move into CBL Strength accum.  -  Added muscle will increase you resting metabolic rate (energy expended at rest).  And you can always throttle carbs for fat loss and modify your backloads.  if you were 190 pounds @ 15% you would burn more calories in a few hours picking your nose than you would if you were 175 pounds @ 15%. 



    Hmm…I sent you a PM, BigR. You really think I can do CBL SA with my high bf%?



    Hmm...I sent you a PM, BigR. You really think I can do CBL SA with my high bf%?

    I started CBL SA with a higher BF% than you and ended with a lower BF% than you on SA.



    I agree HackAttack, go build some muscle on CBL SA 🙂



    Gl;itch.e, what did you do for your backload cycles? Followed it every training day, like in the book, or? Weeeeeeelllllll.... I suppose I could. I just get terrified of fat gain! Mainly because I have put a ridiculous amount of work into these past few months, and I don't want to blow it. I know that I can always readjust and give it another go, but I hate inefficiency and wasted time.That being said...I think I might just go ahead and give SA another shot (I did it over December with some darn good results) Having some of the tops names encouraging you sure helps a man's confidence! Thanks all.So, what would you say would be optimal for SA for me? Currently, my schedule is 5/3/1, I lift Mon-Thurs, and I ALWAYS go balls to the wall. Maybe:Mon (OHP) - backloadTues (DL) - backloadWed (Bench) - backloadThurs (Squat) - ULCFri-Sun ULCThis could give me the carbs for even more intense training and growth during the week, while giving me 4 ULC days to deplete glycogen and continue fat loss? The only reason I wouldn't backload on squat day is because my legs are fucking huge (something like 28-29 inches, and the most defined body part I have) already and I don't need any more growth in them right now. Does that sound like it could be doable and still stimulate growth? Am I just overthinking it and I should go eat some carbs? LOL



    That sounds like a great plan 🙂



    Responded to by the Fairy Queen herself! I am honored to have your approval. Thanks, Fairy. lol!



    You're welcome HackAttack, keep in mind that I haven't actually done CBL myself, but from what I've heard that looks like a solid plan 🙂Maybe some of the guys here who are CBL pros will kick in here to confirm that.



    Here's to hoping! I will take all the advice I can get!

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Some pictures

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