Standing Military Press neck strain

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    Finishing my 3 set of 3 of Military press(last rep), going up i felt a discomfort. Once i finished the rep and racked the bar, across my shoulders and bottom part of my neck we killing me. As the day goes on, its not feeling better. Any remedies to help heal the right way? Thanks.



    Depends on the cause. Check for trigger points. Sounds like the Trapezius to me. Rest for a few days, dont do any stretches and maybe get a deep tissue massage if you cant work them effectively yourself. Ive done this before with military presses, once was so bad my vision was blurry and I felt nauseous for 2 days. Not fun.



    Thanks for the advice and the chart. The trapezius is exactly where its killing me.


    Justin Guimond

    Switch to DBs?

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Standing Military Press neck strain

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