Starting Prep Phase – Critique please

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    midget madness

    So I am 5'2 – 180 at approximately 18% BF. I am currently a competitive powerlifter, and decided after I finished my last diet that I was going to bulk up  a little, well I bulked up alot and gain about 15 pounds in a month. I have a pretty cruddy metabolism. I was skeptic of checking out and paying for the CBL book, but when my pants started to not fit, I figured it was cheaper then a new wardrobe. I currently train 3 days a week, so this will be extremely interesting to see how strength is maintained. I would follow the prep phase in the book, but right now I do not ever want to taste chicken again as I have lived off of it for the last couple of yearsI plan on starting the prep phase Monday, Please take a look and critique as it benefits me like no other. 0730 - Wake Up0800 - Some black coffee and heavy cream1100 - 4 whole eggs, tomatoes, Onions, Cheese (in the book eggs are cool as long as theyre with fats)1500 - 8oz beef patty (90/10) w/ some peppers and onions, and cheese1730-2000 - this is the time I would usually train on my 3 days a week2015 - 8oz Steak + 2 cups Broccoli + Some butter!1100 - ?SO critique it throw in your comments, I am looking foward to hearing em, I am pretty sure that I will lose alot during the 10 days, ive done low carbs before but after a month end up cheating derailing any improvement.



    So I am 5'2 - 180 at approximately 18% BF. I am currently a competitive powerlifter, and decided after I finished my last diet that I was going to bulk up  a little, well I bulked up alot and gain about 15 pounds in a month. I have a pretty cruddy metabolism. I was skeptic of checking out and paying for the CBL book, but when my pants started to not fit, I figured it was cheaper then a new wardrobe. I currently train 3 days a week, so this will be extremely interesting to see how strength is maintained. I would follow the prep phase in the book, but right now I do not ever want to taste chicken again as I have lived off of it for the last couple of yearsI plan on starting the prep phase Monday, Please take a look and critique as it benefits me like no other. 0730 - Wake Up0800 - Some black coffee and heavy cream1100 - 4 whole eggs, tomatoes, Onions, Cheese (in the book eggs are cool as long as theyre with fats)1500 - 8oz beef patty (90/10) w/ some peppers and onions, and cheese1730-2000 - this is the time I would usually train on my 3 days a week2015 - 8oz Steak + 2 cups Broccoli + Some butter!1100 - ?SO critique it throw in your comments, I am looking foward to hearing em, I am pretty sure that I will lose alot during the 10 days, ive done low carbs before but after a month end up cheating derailing any improvement.

    What kind of streak are you enjoying? Hopefully ribeye, porter, or a real fatty one.  If not then that explains the butter.Everything else looksgood man... you obviously read the book.  Best of luck!


    midget madness

    I was thinking for steak some brisket, you can buy it in 10 lbs so ill have plenty plus I usually seperate the point and flank, ill smoke the flank, and the point is a little tougher ill throw it in the slow cooker. The butters for the broccoli, I hate veggies but can tolerate broccoli asparagus like he mentions I can't do, thanks for the critique it truly helps I appreciate your time!


    Richard Schmitt

    Stick to ultra fibrous veggies too. Take out the onions for sure. Too many carbs during a ULC period like the Prep Phase. The tomatoes are “ok” but not ever day. You're going for 0g of usable carbs. You might do even better with 1-2 servings a week for veggies.


    midget madness

    Big tex – I will cut those out I was looking at his example at the end of the book, I hate veggies so I have no problems not eating em!


    Richard Schmitt

    Big tex - I will cut those out I was looking at his example at the end of the book, I hate veggies so I have no problems not eating em!

    I completely understand. I look at veggies as a "treat" to accompany with steak or some kind of meat. If anything I stick to jalapeño green peppers with my meals.

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Starting Prep Phase – Critique please

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