Stevia vs Splenda

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    Keifer used to recommend Stevia such as in CNS more recently such as the current Men Fitness article he suggested Splenda.  Anybody know why or the pros & cons to each?  Since once upon a time I was on the wrong side of the type II diabetes line I took to Stevia such as for a bitter coffee sweetner.  Thoughts? 



    Stevia… I'm pretty sure it's the only all natural sweetener out there….get the sweet leaf one. Nothing wrong with Splenda but it does contain a tiny amount of Maltodextrin in each packet....


    Damon Amato

    why the sweet leaf one?



    The “Stevia in the raw” is cut with dextrose.. Although only a tiny amount, so wouldn't make a huge difference either way… Sweet Leaf is fail safe in my opinion… All it contains is the leaf extract and fiber


    Richard Schmitt

    I rarely use Splenda with coffee, just I've been using DaVinci's Sugar Free Syrup with my coffee though. and I just placed an order for that Sweet Leaf Stevia =D



    Kris great reply that is exactly the type info I was looking for.  I used the coffee as an example but actually what I was thinking about it for was everybody says the Blend H from PF is really bad without a sweetner.  I wondered if the Splenda worked better for it or whether the Stevia would also work well. 



    Kris great reply that is exactly the type info I was looking for.  I used the coffee as an example but actually what I was thinking about it for was everybody says the Blend H from PF is really bad without a sweetner.  I wondered if the Splenda worked better for it or whether the Stevia would also work well. 

    Blend H is...different to say the least. I ordered my H already mixed with stevia from PF. Is the most awkward tasting protein shake I have ever consumed, but I always manage to chug it without vomitting. It grows on you.



    haha…very true. I'm not sure if my taste buds have been destroyed….but it definitely starts tasting a little better after a few weeks.



    I ordered mine in orange unsweetened and tried it PWO today with a half a scoop of Stevia.  It was tolerable.  8)


    Naomi Most

    Keifer used to recommend Stevia such as in CNS more recently such as the current Men Fitness article he suggested Splenda.  Anybody know why or the pros & cons to each?  Since once upon a time I was on the wrong side of the type II diabetes line I took to Stevia such as for a bitter coffee sweetner.  Thoughts?

    Just a personal preference thing.  You should see the massive amounts of Splenda Kiefer puts in his coffee, holy crap. Talk about "inner fat kid".Stevia happens to be MY preference -- I like the security of knowing there are exactly ZERO carbs in my sweetener. (Splenda packets contain maltodextrin, so their zero-carb claim is kinda bogus, it's just that the amount in that packet is a lot less than 1g.)The Vanilla Bean flavor of Sweet Leaf liquid stevia is my current addiction.


    Richard Schmitt

    Keifer used to recommend Stevia such as in CNS more recently such as the current Men Fitness article he suggested Splenda.  Anybody know why or the pros & cons to each?  Since once upon a time I was on the wrong side of the type II diabetes line I took to Stevia such as for a bitter coffee sweetner.  Thoughts?

    Just a personal preference thing.  You should see the massive amounts of Splenda Kiefer puts in his coffee, holy crap. Talk about "inner fat kid".Stevia happens to be MY preference -- I like the security of knowing there are exactly ZERO carbs in my sweetener. (Splenda packets contain maltodextrin, so their zero-carb claim is kinda bogus, it's just that the amount in that packet is a lot less than 1g.)The Vanilla Bean flavor of Sweet Leaf liquid stevia is my current addiction.

    I was looking into buying some of the BetterStevia Powder, but I'm afraid of purchasing one that has trace carbs into it. I bought the 1lb BetterStevia because of knowing it doesn't have anything like that, but with the packets, I'm not really certain if they don't have any those trace carbs. Any thoughts on this? I keep finding stevia extract on amazon, but not certain which one is acceptable.



    Seems like more than a personal preference given that Stevia's been used for centuries while Splenda (in 2005) was shown to have some ill-effects on gut bacteria populations in animals. Also, Splenda has a Glycemic Index of like 80, so how on earth could it be a good idea to use in morning coffee?  Hopefully I'm missing something here...Adam



    haha...very true. I'm not sure if my taste buds have been destroyed....but it definitely starts tasting a little better after a few weeks.



    Richard Schmitt

    Another curious thought, are the DaVainci Sugar Free Syrups considered off limits? Or is good like BetterStevia?


    Brandon D Christ

    Another curious thought, are the DaVainci Sugar Free Syrups considered off limits? Or is good like BetterStevia?

    Typically sugar free syrups are a heads up because a lot of times they contain the sugar alcohol sorbitol.  Make sure you check the ingredients.

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Stevia vs Splenda

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