Still getting dizzy from the PWO Shake

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    Sascha Heid

    When i started CBL 8 weeks ago i got very dizzy from the Hyperthrophic Potentiator Shake.I always got *very* tired and a couple of times i even had to rush to the bed because i was afraid to pass out.Meanwhile i am doing CNS and take the Shake only once or twice a week and only partially. It's not nearly as intense anymore, but could somebody give me a pointer of what might be going on there, any idea?



    Sounds like your just going hypo to me. Search around and you'll find all the info you need. All it takes is a little time.



    In an old video, Kiefer suggests when you feel you're getting hypo.. add some 2-3 eggs with butter.

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Still getting dizzy from the PWO Shake

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